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Joint Commission Diagnostic Imaging Update

A Browne1*, (1) The Joint Commission, Indianapolis, IN


(Saturday, 4/7/2018) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Room: Marquis Ballroom 1-4

The Joint Commission (TJC) has had new and revised Diagnostic Imaging Requirements as part of their accreditation standards in effect since 2015. This session, given by a physicist representative of TJC, will discuss the current state of this program as it relates to the practice of diagnostic medical physics. A review of the requirements and expectations will be presented as well as a discussion of the common areas of noncompliance. TJC has been working on a new initiative to establish standards for fluoroscopic imaging, and the latest information on this development will be shared.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the expectations of TJC diagnostic imaging surveyors
2. Identify and address the issues that most often result in surveyor findings
3. Review the upcoming TJC Fluoroscopic Imaging requirements


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