Moderator: Mark Supanich, Rush
Moderator: Wojciech Zbijewski, Johns Hopkins University
| Monday 7:30 AM | MO-AB-221AB-1 : BEST IN PHYSICS (IMAGING): Multiplexed Spectral Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging of Three Contrast Agents C.Dunning*, J.O'Connell, K.Murphy, S.Robinson, K.Iniewski, M.Bazalova-Carter |
| Monday 7:50 AM | MO-AB-221AB-2 : A KV-MV Cone Beam CT Metal Artifact Reduction Technique Using a Multi-Layer MV Imager and Poly-Energetic Correction M.Jacobson*, M.Lehmann, P.Huber, M.Myronakis, M.Shi, D.Ferguson, I.Valencia Lozano, P.Baturin, T.Harris, R.Fueglistaller, C.Williams, D.Morf, R.Berbeco |
| Monday 8:00 AM | MO-AB-221AB-3 : Comparison of a Supervised and An Unsupervised CNN Learning Model for Edge Prediction in Prior Contour Based Total Variation (PCTV) CBCT Reconstruction Y.Chen*, Z.Jiang, F.Yin, L.Ren |
| Monday 8:10 AM | MO-AB-221AB-4 : Improving Low-Dose Cone Beam CT Image Quality Via Convolutional Neural Network N.Yuan*, S.Rao, B.Dyer, S.Benedict, Y.Kang, J.Qi, Y.Rong |
| Monday 8:20 AM | MO-AB-221AB-5 : Low Dose KV-MV Cone Beam CT with a Multi-Layer MV Imager and Edge-Preserving Sinogram Denoising M.Jacobson*, M.Lehmann, P.Huber, A.Wang, M.Myronakis, M.Shi, D.Ferguson, I.Valencia Lozano, Y.Hu, P.Baturin, T.Harris, R.Fueglistaller, J.Star-Lack, C.Williams, D.Morf, R.Berbeco |
| Monday 8:30 AM | MO-AB-221AB-6 : Multi-Energy Element-Resolved Cone Beam CT for Radiotherapy Image Guidance Under Low-Concentration Iodine Contrast Agent H.Jung*, C.Shen, Y.Gonzalez, M.Yang, X.Jia |
| Monday 8:40 AM | MO-AB-221AB-7 : Real-Time Direct Diaphragm Tracking During Lung Cancer Radiotherapy N.Hindley*, P.Keall, J.Booth, C.Shieh |
| Monday 8:50 AM | MO-AB-221AB-8 : ResNet-Based Marker-Free Prostate 6D Auto-Setup in the Cone-Beam CT Guided Radiation Therapy X.Liang*, W.Zhao, Y.Xie, L.Xing |
| Monday 9:00 AM | MO-AB-221AB-9 : Student Beats the Teacher: Deep Learning Using a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Augmentation of CBCT Reconstructed From Under-Sampled Projections Z.Jiang*, F.Yin, L.Ren |
| Monday 9:10 AM | MO-AB-221AB-10 : Experimental Development and Validation of a Rotational Blocker Concept for Under Sample CBCT Reconstruction and Scatter Correction in Radiation Therapy: End to End Confirmation N.Hassan Rezaeian*, Y.Xu, B.Li, C.Shen, L.Zhu, X.Jia |
| Monday 9:20 AM | MO-AB-221AB-11 : Accelerated Model-Based Iterative 3D Image Reconstruction Using a Multi-Level Morphological Pyramid A.Sisniega*, J.Stayman, S.Capostagno, C.Weiss, T.Ehtiati, J.Siewerdsen |