Moderator: Donovan Bakalyar, Henry Ford Health System
| Wednesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | WE-J-221CD-0 : Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patients Z.Qi*, F.Ranallo*, K.Applegate* |
| | 4:30 PM WE-J-221CD-1 | Introduction
| | 4:35 PM WE-J-221CD-2 | Practical Considerations for Size Based Protocol Optimization Z.Qi* |
| | 4:50 PM WE-J-221CD-3 | CT Protocol Optimization Over the Range of Patient Age & Size and for Different CT Scanner Types: Recommendations & Misconceptions F.Ranallo* |
| | 5:25 PM WE-J-221CD-4 | Meeting the Imaging Needs of the Pediatric Radiologist: The Effect of Patient Size, Age and Clinical Circumstance On Optimizing the CT Image K.Applegate* |