Data Science Reproducibility/Robustness | Tuesday - 7/16/2019 | ||
Multi-Disciplinary General ePoster Discussion | 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 6 | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-1 : Generalized Image Quality Analysis for Nonlinear Algorithms in CT G.Gang*, X.Guo, J.Stayman | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-2 : Quantification of Pixel-Wise Uncertainty Associated with Automatic Segmentation D.Ruan*, T.Zhao, D.Low, M.Steinberg | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-3 : Standardizing Patient Orientation to Improve Generalization of Radiomics Models A.Iyer*, J.Oh, M.Thor, J.Deasy, A.Apte | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-4 : The Stability of CT Radiomics Feature Using Repeated Scans C.Ma*, Y.Zhang, X.Wang, N.Yue, K.Nie | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-5 : A Comparison of Different Data Augmentation Methods in Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) Mutation Prediction H.Xiao*, Z.Chang | |
Tuesday | TU-C930-GePD-F6-6 : Understanding the Impact of Heterogeneous Iterative Reconstruction and Dose Conditions in Low-Dose CT Computer-Aided Detection of Lung Nodules M.Wahi-Anwar*, N.Emaminejad, G.Kim, M.McNitt-Gray, M.Brown | |