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Keywords: cone-beam ct
MO-AB-221AB-1BEST IN PHYSICS (IMAGING): Multiplexed Spectral Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging of Three Contrast Agents
C A S Dunning1*, J O'Connell1 , K Murphy1 , S Robinson1 , K Iniewski2 , M Bazalova-Carter1 , (1) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (2) Redlen Technologies, Saanichton, BC
MO-AB-221AB-2A KV-MV Cone Beam CT Metal Artifact Reduction Technique Using a Multi-Layer MV Imager and Poly-Energetic Correction
M Jacobson1*, M Lehmann2, P Huber2, M Myronakis1, M Shi4, D Ferguson1, I Lozano1, P Baturin3, T Harris1, R Fueglistaller2, C Williams1, D Morf2, R Berbeco1 (1) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (2) Varian Medical Systems, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA (4) University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Lowell MA
MO-AB-221AB-4Improving Low-Dose Cone Beam CT Image Quality Via Convolutional Neural Network
N Yuan1,2, S Rao3 , B Dyer3 , S Benedict3 , Y Kang1 , J Qi2 , Y Rong*3 , (1) Northeastern Univerisity, Shenyang (2) Univerisity of California, Davis, Davis, CA (3) UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA
MO-AB-221AB-5Low Dose KV-MV Cone Beam CT with a Multi-Layer MV Imager and Edge-Preserving Sinogram Denoising
M Jacobson1*, M Lehmann2, P Huber2, A Wang3, M Myronakis1, M Shi4, D Ferguson1, I Lozano1, Y Hu1, P Baturin3, T Harris1, R Fueglistaller2, J Star-Lack3, C Williams1, D Morf2, R Berbeco1 (1) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (2) Varian Medical Systems, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA (4) University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Lowell MA
MO-AB-221AB-6Multi-Energy Element-Resolved Cone Beam CT for Radiotherapy Image Guidance Under Low-Concentration Iodine Contrast Agent
H Jung*, C Shen , Y Gonzalez , M Yang , X Jia , University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
MO-AB-221AB-8ResNet-Based Marker-Free Prostate 6D Auto-Setup in the Cone-Beam CT Guided Radiation Therapy
X Liang1,2*, W Zhao1 , Y Xie2 , L Xing1 , (1) Stanford Univ School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, (2) Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong
MO-AB-221AB-9Student Beats the Teacher: Deep Learning Using a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Augmentation of CBCT Reconstructed From Under-Sampled Projections
Z Jiang*, F Yin , L Ren , Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
MO-AB-221AB-10Experimental Development and Validation of a Rotational Blocker Concept for Under Sample CBCT Reconstruction and Scatter Correction in Radiation Therapy: End to End Confirmation
N Hassan Rezaeian1*, Y Xu2 , B Li1 , C Shen1 , L Zhu3 , X Jia1 , (1) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX, (2) Southern Medical University, Guang Zhou, (3) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
MO-AB-221AB-11Accelerated Model-Based Iterative 3D Image Reconstruction Using a Multi-Level Morphological Pyramid
A Sisniega1*, J W Stayman1 , S Capostagno1 , C R Weiss1 , T Ehtiati2 , J H Siewerdsen1 , (1) Johns Hopkins University, Balitmore, MD, (2) Siemens Medical Solutions USA
MO-E115-GePD-F2-1Delta Radiomics: Assessment of Tumor Response for Lung SBRT Patients Using Daily CBCT
S Meade1*, G Ge2 , J Molloy3 , D Pokhrel4 , (1) ,Lexington, KY, (2) ,Lexington, KY, (3) Univ Kentucky, Lexington, KY, (4) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
MO-E115-GePD-F7-5Comparison of Dosimetric Evaluations Using Deformed Planning CT and Deep-Learning Corrected CBCT to Quality Assurance CT for Monitoring Anatomy Changes During Proton Therapy
A Stanforth*, K Langen , L Lin , A Dhabaan , Y Lei , Y Liu , Y Wang , J Sohn , M McDonald , B Eaton , T Liu , X Yang , J Zhou , Emory University, Atlanta, GA
MO-J430-CAMPUS-F2-5Intelligent Synthetic CT Generation Based On CBCT Images Via Unsupervised Deep Learning
L Chen*, X Liang , C Shen , S Jiang , J Wang , UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
PO-GePV-I-1A Comparison of Patient Setup Error On Different Matching Methods Used in X-Ray Volumetric Imaging During Head and Neck VMAT Delivery
P Mohandass1,2*, D Khanna2 ,B Nishaanth1,T Thiyagaraj1,C Saravanan1, Narendra Bhalla1, Abhishek Puri1, (1) Fortis Hospital, Mohali, ,(2) Department of Physics, School of Science, Arts, Medica and Management, Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore, TN
PO-GePV-I-9Unsupervised Classification Routine to Correlate Nonlinearly Related Multiple Images: An Example for CT/CBCT Lung Images Normalization
A Chu1*, J Kim2 , Z Xu3 , S Ryu4 , W Liu5 , W Tome6 , (1)(2)(3)(4) Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, (5) Yale Univ. School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, (6) Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
PO-GePV-M-124D IMRT QA: Optimum Ways to Setup Motion Phantom
M Zhang1*, Y Song1 , L Voros1 , X Tang2 , (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Bergen, NJ, (2) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, West Harrison, NY
PO-GePV-P-85Comparison of Manual Vs. Semi-Automatic CBCT Image Analysis
L Claps*, P Alaei , University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
PO-GePV-T-58Evaluation of the Clinical Impact of the Difference Between Planned and Delivered Dose in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Based On Daily IGRT and Patient-Reported Outcome Scores
J Hammers1*, D Lindsay2 , X Tan3 , J Dooley4 , S Stathakis5 , N Papanikolaou6 , L Marks7 , A Wang8 , R Chen9 , S Das10 , P Mavroidis11 , (1) ,Chapel Hill, NC, (2) UNC at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (3) UNC at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (4) Univ North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, (5) University Of Texas Health, San Antonio, TX, (6) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (7) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, (8) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (9) UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, NC, (10) Univ North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, (11) Univ North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
PO-GePV-T-131A Data Driven Retrospective Analysis of Couch Tolerances On Patients Positioned Using the Elekta Hexapod
R George*, N Kirby , D Saenz , University of Texas Health Science at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
PO-GePV-T-294Dosimetric Impact of Alternative Image Guidance Protocols for Radiation Treatment Setup for Head and Neck Cancer Patients: Daily Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Versus Daily 2D KV Imaging
S Lee*, B Zhang , G Lasio , H Xu , A Gopal , S Chen , B Yi , University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
PO-GePV-T-295Verification of Setup Accuracy with 6 Degree of Freedom Couch and CBCT
T Chen*, H Wang, L Hu, J Zhang, D Barbee, J Xue, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY
PO-GePV-T-367Stereotactic Cone-Beam CT Guided Radiosurgery of Trigeminal Neuralgia
B Ziemer , Y Natsuaki , A Perez-Andujar , O Morin , B Weethee , L Ma*, UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA 94143
PO-GePV-T-369Performance of the CBCT-Based Patient Positioning System On the Gamma Knife Icon
Andy Y. Xu1*, Yi-Fang Wang1 , Tony J. Wang1 , Simon K. Cheng1 , Olga Dona1 , Michael B. Sisti2 , Cheng-Shie Wuu1 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, (2) Department of Neurosurgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
SU-E-304-1Adaptive Dual Cardiac- and Respiratory-Gated Thoracic Imaging On a Linear Accelerator
T Reynolds*, C Shieh , P Keall , R O'Brien, ACRF Image X Institute, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
SU-E-304-2Dual Energy CBCT Technique to Produce Virtual Monoenergetic and RED Images Using the On-Board Imager of a Linear Accelerator
F Cassetta1*, A Wang2 , R Patel1 , M Haytmyradov1 , J Roeske1 , (1) Loyola University Chicago, Maywood,IL,(2) Stanford University, Stanford, CA
SU-E-304-3Quantitative Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT with a Prototype Dual-Layer Flat Panel Detector
A Wang1*, L Shi1 , N Bennett1 , E Shapiro2 , A Shiroma2 , J Zhang3 , R Colbeth2 , J Star-Lack2 , M Lu3 , (1) Stanford University, Stanford, CA, (2) Varex Imaging, San Jose, CA, (3) Varex Imaging, Santa Clara, CA
SU-E-304-4Improving Scan Time and Reducing Patient Imaging Dose Using Respiratory Motion Guided 4DCBCT
P Lim*, C Shieh, F Masri, P Keall, R O'Brien, ACRF Image X Institute, University of Sydney Central Clinical School, Sydney, NSW, Australia
SU-E-304-5Method and Test Tool for Measurement of 3D MTF Characteristics in Cone-Beam CT
P Wu1*, J Boone2 , J Siewerdsen1 , (1) Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, (2) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
SU-E-304-6Technical Assessment of Dose and 3D Imaging Performance for a New Mobile Isocentric C-Arm for Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT
N Sheth1*, T De Silva1 , A Uneri1 , M Ketcha1 , R Han1 , R Vijayan1 , G Kleinszig2 , S Vogt2 , J Siewerdsen1 , (1) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (2) Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany
SU-E-304-7The Corgi: A Multi-Purpose Modular Phantom for Dose and Image Quality Assessment in Cone-Beam CT
A Uneri1*, A Hernandez2 , G Burkett2 , J Boone2 , J Siewerdsen1 , (1) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (2) University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA
SU-F-221AB-1A Patient-Independent CT Intensity Correction Method Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for Single X-Ray Based Tumor Localization
R Wei1*, F Zhou1 , B Liu1 , X Bai1 ,Q Wu2 , (1) Image Processing Center, Beihang University, Beijing, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
SU-F-221AB-3Evaluation of Average Image From During-Treatment 4DCBCT for Lung SBRT Treatment
J Liang1*, D Lack2, J Wloch1, D Yan1 , (1) William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, (2) William Beaumont Hospital, Troy, MI
SU-F-225BCD-5Tumor Phase Recognition by Local Principal Component with Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis From Cone-Beam Tomography Projections and External Surrogates
P Tsai*, B Lu , G Yan , C Liu , University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
SU-F-304-1Fast 4D CBCT Scans: Combining Respiratory Guided Imaging and Advanced Reconstruction Algorithms to Reduce Imaging Time and Dose
O Dillon*, R O'Brien , C Shieh , P Keall , University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
SU-F-304-2Deformation Vector Field Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network for Motion-Compensated 4D-CBCT Reconstruction
X Huang*, L Chen , J Wang , UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
SU-F-304-4General Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction (G-SMEIR) for CBCT
S Zhou1*, Y Chi1 , J Wang2 , M Jin1 , (1) University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, (2) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
SU-F-304-6Known-Component Metal Artifact Reduction (KC-MAR) for Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT in Spine Surgery: A Clinical Pilot Study
X Zhang1*, A Uneri1 , S Doerr1 , J Stayman1 , C Zygourakis2 , S Lo2 , N Theodore2 , J Siewerdsen1 , (1) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (2) Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD
SU-F-SAN2-1CBCT Image Quality Augmentation Using Deep Learning Models: A Comparison Study
Y Zhao1*, Z Jiang2 , X Teng1 , L Ren2 , (1) Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan,(2) Duke Univeristy, Durham, NC
SU-F-SAN2-8Hybrid Virtual MRI/CBCT Generation Using An Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Transfer Learning
Y Chen1*, F Yin2 , L Ren3 , (1) Duke University, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
SU-I300-GePD-F6-1Auto Segmentation of Male Pelvis On CBCT Using 3D U-Net
R L.J. Qiu1*, T Ma1 , K Stephans1 , C Shah1 , A Godley2 , P Xia1 , (1) Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL
SU-I300-GePD-F9-1A Dosimetric Evaluation of Daily CBCT Imaging for Prostate Radiotherapy
A Gopal*, B Zhang , S Lee , G Lasio , S Chen , B Yi , Univ. of Maryland School Of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
SU-I300-GePD-F9-2Characterization of Underexposure in CBCT Projections Toward Patient Specific Acquisition Protocol Guidelines
B Preusser*, E Pearson , H Al-Hallaq , The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
SU-I300-GePD-F9-6Optimal CBCT Parameters for SRS Image Guidance
E Sudentas*, N Kalach , Mount Sinai West, New York, NY
SU-I330-GePD-F5-4Validation of Simulated Target Motion Spatial Accuracy of Elekta Symmetry Versus 4D CT
C Baley*, S Stathakis , P Myers , N Kirby , K Rasmussen , N Papanikolaou , D Saenz , University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX
SU-I330-GePD-F5-5Benchmarking of 4DCBCT Based Dose Calculation Against Measurements in a Lung Phantom
M Dumas*, S Rusu , I Chetty , N Wen , Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
SU-I330-GePD-F5-6Clinical Implementation of Four-Dimension Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (4D-CBCT) for Gated Treatment
F Mostafaei*, Y Lee , Y Kim , Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
SU-I330-GePD-F9-1A Fast, Accurate Simulation Strategy for MV-CBCT Image Generation
M Shi1,2*, M Myronakis2 , M Jacobson2 , M Lehmann3 , P Huber3 , R Fueglistaller3 , P Baturin4 , D Morf3 , D Ferguson2 , T Harris2 , I Valencia Lozano2 , C Williams2 , Y Hu2 , A Wang4 , R Berbeco2 , (1) University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, (2) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland, (4) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
SU-I330-GePD-F9-2An Analysis of the Commercially Available CBCT Based On Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for IGRT
S Kang1,3*, J Chung1 , S Lee2 , S Kang3 , T Suh3 , J Kim1 , (1) Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam Si, Korea, (2) Konyang University of Korea, Daejeon, Korea,(3) The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
SU-I330-GePD-F9-3CT Based Simulation Framework for Motion Artifact and Ground Truth Generation of Cone-Beam CT
P Paysan1*, P Munro1, S Scheib1, (1) Varian Medical Systems Imaging Laboratory, Daettwil AG
SU-I330-GePD-F9-5Monte Carlo X-Ray Tube Simulation for CBCT: Primary Source Phase Space Compression
G Bootsma1*, H Nordstrom2 , M Eriksson2 , D Jaffray1 , (1) University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada (2) Elekta Instruments AB, Stockholm, Sweden
SU-I330-GePD-F9-6Pseudo-CBCT Image Prediction of Head and Neck Cancer Patient Using Principal Component Vector Fields of Early Treatment Fractions
M Nakano1*, T Imae2 , T Nakamoto2 , A Haga3 , K Nawa2 , Y Nomura2 , R Chhatkuli4 , K Demachi5 , W Takahashi2 , K Yamamoto6 , K Nakagawa2 , M Hashimoto7 , Y Yoshioka1 , M Oguchi1 , (1) Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, Tokyo, Japan, (2) Department of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, (3) University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan, (4) National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan,(5) Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (6) Department of Radiology, Teikyo University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, (7) Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, Sagamihara, Japan
SU-I400-GePD-F6-3Evaluating the Need for CBCT Image Guidance for Brain SRS with ExacTrac
R Martin*, T Briere , E Han , MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX
SU-I400-GePD-F6-6Multi-Institution Analysis of Cone-Beam CT Image Quality Performance
N Becker1*, A McNiven1 , L Buckley2 , P Rapley3 , E Sabondjian4 , D Jaffray1 , D Letourneau1 , (1) The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - University Health Network, Toronto, ON, (2) The Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre, Ottawa, ON, (3) Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, ON, (4) Mississauga Halton/Central West Regional Cancer Program - Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga, ON
SU-I430-GePD-F5-3Intrafraction Imaging of the CBCT Simultaneous to VMAT Delivery Provides Patient-Tumor Positioning Verification and Potential for Optimizing Off-Line Adaptive Treatment Planning
D Campos1*, A Hernandez2 , D Hernandez3 , S Benedict4 , (1) University of California - Davis, Sacramento, CA, (2) University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA, (3) Univ of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA
SU-I430-GePD-F5-6Tumor Tracking and Motion Modeling in SBRT of Abdominal Tumors with Implanted Fiducials Using Pre-Treatment CBCT Projections and Template Matching and Sequential Stereo Triangulation
O Oderinde1*, H Mostafavi2 , D Simpson1 , J Murphy1 , L Cervino1 , (1) University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, (2) ,Palo Alto, CA,
SU-I430-GePD-F6-2Machine Learning Based Region of Interest Optimization Framework for Optical Surface Monitoring System: A Feasibility Study
T Chen*, D Barbee , P Cohen , K Du , New York University, New York, NY
SU-K-221AB-3Patch-Based Local Intensity Correction for CT/CBCT Deformable Registration
S Proell1, K Fritscher1, G Sharp2*, (1) UMIT, Hall In Tirol, Austria, (2) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
SU-K-225BCD-6Improving CBCT Quality to CT Level Using Deep-Learning Method for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
Y Zhang1,2*, N Yue1 , M Su2 , Y Ding3 , B Liu1 , Y Zhang1 , Y Zhou4 , K Nie1 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, Rutgers-Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, (2) Department of Radiological Science, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, (3) Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan,(4) Fudan University Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai
SU-L-302-2A New Design for Rapid Acquisition of Cone Beam CT Images On C-Arm Style Medical Linear Accelerators
E Parsai*, E Salari , N Sperling , University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH
SU-L-SAN1-5End-To-End Test of the Gamma Knife Icon Plan Adaptation and High Definition Motion Management System Using a Motorized Anthropomorphic Head Phantom
E Han1 , D Luo1 , J Kim2 , K Tharp1 , Z Wen1*, T Briere1 , (1) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Gibsonia, PA,
TU-AB-221AB-6Fluorescence Molecular Tomography/X-Ray Computed Tomography Dual-Modality Tumor Detection Using Active Targeting Nanoparticles and Effective Background Subtraction
J Shi*, T Udayakumar , N Dogan , A Pollack , Y Yang , University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL
TU-C-PinS-5Evaluation of the Rotational Alignment Accuracy and Error Using 3D/3D, 2D/3D and 3D Surface Registration
H Kuo*, A Ballangrud , G Li , D Lovelock , B Wolthuis , C Della-Biancia , S Berry , M Hunt , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
TU-C1000-GePD-F5-6Uncertainties of Bladder Cancer Radiation Treatment with CT-On-Rails Localization
T Lin*, C Ma , Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
TU-C1030-GePD-F7-2Assessment of Positional Reproducibility of Two Types of Commercially Available Endorectal Balloons From RadiaDyne Used Clinically for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Patients
J George*, J Bennouna , S George , U Ramos , A Gutierrez , Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL
TU-C1030-GePD-F9-3Convolutional Network Based Motion Artifact Reduction in Cone-Beam CT
P Paysan1*, A Strzelecki1, F Arrate2, P Munro1, S Scheib1, (1) Varian Medical Systems Imaging Laboratory, Daettwil AG,(2) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
TU-C1030-GePD-F9-5Intrinsic Measurement of Cardiorespiratory Signals of Centrally-Located Tumour Motion From Thoracic Cone-Beam CT
S J Blake*, N Hindley, C-C Shieh, P Keall, R O'Brien, ACRF Image-X Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
TU-C1030-GePD-F9-6What Image Features Are Good for Correlation-Based Tracking Algorithms Used for Soft Tissue Monitoring in X-Ray Imaging
A Jeung*, L Zhu , H Mostafavi , J van Heteren , Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
TU-C930-GePD-F9-1Automatic Segmentation On CBCT Images Using a Combination of CBCT Enhancement and Deep Learning CT Segmentation
S Andersson*, R Nilsson, RaySearch Laboratories AB, Stockholm
TU-C930-GePD-F9-4Hounsfield Unit Correction of Prostate CBCT Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (CycleGAN)
O Dona*, Y Wang , A Xu , C Wuu , Columbia Univ, New York, NY
TU-C930-GePD-F9-5Transfer Learning of a Convolutional Neural Network for CBCT Projection-Domain Scatter Correction with Different Scan Conditions
Y Nomura1*, Q Xu2,3 , H Shirato2,4 , S Shimizu2,5 , L Xing2,6 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, (2) Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering, Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, (3) Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (4) Department of Radiation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, (5) Department of Radiation Medical Science and Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, (6) Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
TU-F115-GePD-F5-4Cone-Beam CT Simulation for Same-Day VMAT Treatment of Bony Metastases
R Zakariaee1,2*, D Comsa2 , D Moseley1,2,3 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, (2) Radiation Medicine Program, Stronach Regional Cancer Centre, Newmarket, ON, (3) Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON
TU-F115-GePD-F6-1Clinical Evaluation and Implementation of a Commercial Iterative CBCT Algorithm
Y Zheng*, J Wong , Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ
TU-F115-GePD-F6-2Imaging Quality of Intrafraction 4D CBCT for Lung SBRT Using Flattening Filter-Free Beams: A Phantom Study
J Kim*, J Kim , K Keum , H Lee ,
TU-J345-GePD-F1-4Investigation On Imaging Dose to Spinal Cord in Spine SBRT Treatment
Y Xu1,2*, M Khosravi2 , Y Lyatskaya2 , P Zygmanski2 , F Hacker2 , J Bredfeldt2 , Y Hu2 , (1) Harvard Medical School (2) Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
TU-J345-GePD-F6-4New Approach for Automatic and Patient-Specific Evaluation of Multi-Modality Deformable Image Registration Accuracy as Tested On Halcyon's Megavoltage Cone Beam CT System
Y Huang*, Y Zhang** , Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research (Ministry of Education/Beijing), Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing, 100142 **Corresponding Author:Y Zhang
TU-J345-GePD-F9-6Virtual Monochromatic Analysis in Spectral CT for Differentiation of Soft Tissues: Potentials and Challenges
X Tang1*, W Long1 , H Xie1 , Y Ren2 , (1) Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, (2) Sinovision Technologies, Beijing,
TU-L-225BCD-2A Dual-Reconstruction Method to Generate Motion Artifact-Free CBCT Images
H Zhong*, X Li , Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
TU-L-304-2Cone-Beam CT of Load-Bearing Surgical Hardware Using a Mechanical Model of Implant Deformation
Q Cao*, S Liu , G Osgood , S Demehri , J Siewerdsen , J Stayman , W Zbijewski , Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
WE-C1000-GePD-F5-1A Feasibility Study of Adaptive Radiotherapy Based On Varian Halcyon and Velocity Systems: Patient-Specific Dosimetric Indicators of Optimal Replanning Frequency and Timing
Y Huang , Y Zhang*, Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research (Ministry of Education/Beijing), Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing, 100142 *Corresponding Author: Y Zhang email:
WE-C1000-GePD-F5-2Comparison of Two CBCT Correction Methods for Daily Adaptive Therapy Dose Tracking
D Pittock1*, N Lamba1 , S Ginsburg1 , I Dragojevic2 , A Kruzer1 , A Nelson1 , (1) MIM Software Inc., Cleveland, OH, (2) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
WE-C1000-GePD-F5-3Increase of Adaptive Re-Planning Frequency with Using Automated Daily Dose Tracking
K Kainz*, S Lim , G Chen , X Li , Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
WE-C1000-GePD-F5-5Towards Efficient Adaptive-Radio-Therapy in Prostate and Head & Neck Cancer Utilizing Iterative-CBCT and Automated Software
K Padgett*, R Delgadillo , M Studenski , M Abramowitz , M Samuels , N Dogan , Univ Miami, Miami, FL
WE-C1030-GePD-F2-2Automated Anatomic Classification of CBCT Data From Single Projection Images Using Machine Learning
B Preusser*, E Pearson , H Al-Hallaq , The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
WE-C1030-GePD-F6-4GPU-Based Acceleration of FastEPID Image Simulation
M Shi1,2*, M Myronakis2 , M Jacobson2 , D Ferguson2 , C Williams2 , I Valencia Lozano2 , T Harris2 , M Lehmann3 , P Huber3 , R Fueglistaller3 , P Baturin4 , D Morf3 , R Berbeco2 , (1) University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, (2) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland, (4) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
WE-C930-GePD-F6-3Automated CBCT Image Quality Assurance for Gamma Knife Icon System
F.Q. Guo1, 2*, (1) Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, (2) Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
WE-C930-GePD-F8-5Quantitative Analysis of Bony Anatomy Vs Soft Tissue Matching Using CBCT in Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
S Balyimez*, C Chen , E Parsai , University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH
WE-C930-GePD-F9-6Spectral Modulator With Flying Focal Spot: A New Concept of Full-Scale Multi-Energy Cone-Beam CT and Simultaneous Scatter Correction
Hewei Gao*, Chengpeng Wu and Sen Wang, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
WE-J-221AB-0Innovations in X-Ray Detectors
W Zhao1*, L Antonuk2*, C Ullberg3*, (1) SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (2) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) XCounter AB, Danderyd,