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Keywords: commissioning
MO-AB-SAN1-3Commissioning of a Noninvasive Breast Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Platform: GammaPod
Y Zhang1*, W Lu1 , N Salehi2 , D Parsons1 , R Reynolds1 , S Stojadinovic1 , S Jiang1 , X Gu1 , (1) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Dallas, TX, (2) Xcision Medical Systems, Columbia, MD
MO-AB-SAN1-5A Streamlined Commissioning Procedure for Efficient Halcyon Implementation
T Pawlicki1*, G Kim1 , T Aland2 , T Jarema2 , D Brown1 , (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) Icon Group, South Brisbane, Australia
MO-E115-GePD-F1-5PDD Analysis of a 6 MV FFF Beam From a Jawless Linear Accelerator with Double Stacked MLCs in the Presence of a Magnetic Field
E Omari*, H Lavvafi , J Roeske , A Sethi , Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
MO-I345-GePD-F2-3Machine Learning Modeling of Beam Data of Multiple Linear Accelerators (LINACs) From Different Institutions and Its Practical Application in Fast and Robust LINAC Commissioning
E Schueler*, W Zhao , I Patil , B Han , Y Yang , L Xing , Stanford Univ School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
MO-I345-GePD-F3-4Commissioning of 45 MV Racetrack Microtron for Radiodynamic Therapy
A Eldib*, J Liu , J Xu , J Panetta , T Lin , R Price , C Ma , Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
PO-GePV-E-10An Interactive Web-Based Platform for Treatment Planning System Commissioning
T Roth1*, S McGarty , N Nguyen2 , M Schwer1 , M Belley1 , (1) The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown Univ., Providence, RI, (2) Yale New Haven Hospital, Cromwell, CT
PO-GePV-P-54Commissioning of HDR Valencia Applicators
P Aryal*, S Chen , M Agarwal , J Zhou , G Lasio , University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
PO-GePV-T-61Detailed Evaluation of Properties of Protons, Helium, and Carbon Ions for Application in a Pediatric Ion Therapy Center
U Titt1*, D Mirkovic1 , P Yepes2 , Q Wang2 , D Grosshans1 , M Bangert3 , H Wieser3 , R Mohan1 , (1) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Rice University, Houston, TX, (3) DKFZ, Heidelberg
PO-GePV-T-62Commissioning of a Facility-Specific Beam Data Library for a Fast Monte Carlo Code for Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy
L Hong1*, K Souris2 , M Cohilis2 , S Rossomme2 , H Liu3 , Z Li1 , (1) UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, Jacksonville, FL, (2) Center for Molecular Imaging and Experimental Radiotherapy, UCL, Brussels, (3) University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui.
PO-GePV-T-80Pseudo Proton Radiography Beam Validation of Monte Carlo Dose Calculation in Two Pencil Beam Scanning Treatment Planning Systems
C Chang*, J Zhou , X Yang , A Dhabaan , R Zhang , T Liu , M McDonald , K Langen , L Lin , Emory University, Atlanta, GA
PO-GePV-T-109Commissioning and Evaluation of Extended Range Shifter for Synchrotron Based Intensity Modulated Proton Beam System
V Moskvin*, A Faught , St. Jude Children's Hospital, Memphis, TN
PO-GePV-T-245Sensitivity Analysis of Common Beam Modeling Parameters in the Eclipse Treatment Planning System On IROC Head and Neck Phantom Results
M Glenn*, D Followill , R Howell , J Pollard-Larkin , C Peterson , S Kry , UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
PO-GePV-T-270Implementation and Evaluation of the Multicenter Validation Testing of IMRT/VMAT Commissioning On the Basis of AAPM TG 119 and TG 244
J Li1*, R Yang2 , J Dai3 , X Jin4 , X Li5 , J Qiu6 , S Xu7 , B Yang8 , F Zhang9 , (1) Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, ,(2) Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, ,(3) National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer, Beijing, 11, (4) Wenzhou Medical University First Hospital, Wenzhou, ,(5) Fujian Medical Union Hospital, Fuzhou, ,(6) Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, ,(7) Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ,(8) ,Beijing, 11, (9) PLA Arm General Hospital, Beijing,
PO-GePV-T-275New LINAC Acceptance & Commissioning Experience: Should We Be Accepting An Accelerator Overlooking a Risk of ±31% Dose Inhomogeneity at the Junctions?
N Paudel1*, (1) UPMC Susquehanna, Hillman Cancer Center, Williamsport, PA
SU-F-SAN1-2Automating the Commissioning of Monte Carlo Algorithms for PBS Proton Therapy
M Cohilis1*, J Lee1 , E Sterpin1,2 , K Souris1 , (1) Universite catholique de Louvain - Molecular Imaging, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Bruxelles, Belgium, (2) KU Leuven - Department of Oncology, Leuven, Belgium
SU-I430-GePD-F7-1A Golden Beam Data Commissioning Framework of Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Algorithms of Two Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy Treatment Planning Systems
C Chang*, J Harms , R Zhang , J Zhou , Y Lin , R Slopsema , A Dhabaan , T Liu , M McDonald , K Langen , L Lin , Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA
SU-L-301-5Machine Learning with Radiomic Features to Detect the Types of Errors in IMRT Patient-Specific QA
M Sakai*1, H Koarai1, M Ueda1, S Shigeta2, H Nakano2, T Takizawa23, S Tanabe2, R Sasamoto1, H Aoyama4, S Utsunomiya1, (1) Niigata University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Niigata, Japan , (2) Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Niigata, Japan , (3) Niigata Neurosurgical Hospital, Niigata, Japan, (4) Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan
SU-L-SAN1-7PodPhantom: A Robotic Prototype Dosimetric Data Collection System for GammaPod
D Parsons*, T Chiu , Y Zhang , W Lu , S Jiang , X Gu , UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
SU-L-SAN4-8An Open-Source Approach to Automating Data-Analysis for Multiple Linac Commissioning
K Hasse*, A Perez-Andujar , Y Natsuaki , A Witztum , B Ziemer , S St. James , University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
TU-C1000-GePD-F4-2Characterization of the Beam Perturbations and Effects On IMRT Delivery of a Diode Transmission Detector
A Paxton*, V Sarkar , J Kunz , M Szegedi , G Nelson , Y Huang , B Salter , University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
TU-C1000-GePD-F7-1Commissioning of a Mevion S250i with Hyperscan Pencil-Beam Scanning Proton Therapy System
H Jin*, Y Chen , E Kendall , S Ahmad , University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK
TU-J345-GePD-F3-2Comparison of Beam Data Collected with and Without Crossline Offset Correction for a 1.5 T MR-Linac
B Yang*, W Lam , M Law , Y Ho , C Ho , K Cheung , S Yu , Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island
TU-J345-GePD-F3-4Use and Validation of IAEA Correction Factors for Small Field Dosimetry Commissioning: A Multi-Institution Study
V Yu1*, C Lee1 , S Tenn1 , D O'Connell1 , L Weinstein2 , M Skinner2 , C McGuinness2 , D Saenz3 , N Papanikolaou3 , N Agazaryan1 , (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) Kaiser Permanente, South San Francisco, South San Francisco, CA, (3) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX
TU-J345-GePD-F3-5Independent Treatment Planning System Beam Data Validation Using a 1D Tank and Automated Couch Motions On a Ring-Gantry Linear Accelerator
N Knutson1,2*, M Schmidt1,2 , B Cai1 , E Laugeman1 , Y Hao1 , G Hugo1 , W Ngwa2 , S Mutic1 , H Li1 , E Sajo2 , (1) Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (2) University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA
WE-B-SAN2-1Fuzzy Inference Based Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the Acceptance and Commissioning of a Ring-Gantry LINAC
J Chang*, S Jang , P Teo , R Lalonde , D Heron , M Huq , UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
WE-C1030-GePD-F4-5Commissioning of Advanced Collapsed Cone Engine Algorithm for Brachytherapy
J Swamidas*, S Parida , K Joshi , R Phurailatpam , S Panda , S Pradhan , Department of Radiation Oncology, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
WE-G-SAN4-0Alternative Strategies for Linac Beam Verification Or Beam Data Collection Without Using a 3D Water Tank
N Knutson1*, J Wolthaus2*, M Barnes3*, (1) Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (2) UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, (3) Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
WE-G-SAN4-1Linac beam data collection from 1-D to 3-D
N Knutson1*, J Wolthaus2*, M Barnes3*, (1) Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (2) UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, (3) Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
WE-G-SAN4-2Comissioning/verification of MRI-linacs with and without 3D tank
N Knutson1*, J Wolthaus2*, M Barnes3*, (1) Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (2) UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, (3) Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
WE-G-SAN4-3Techniques for linac beam verification using EPID
N Knutson1*, J Wolthaus2*, M Barnes3*, (1) Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (2) UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, (3) Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia