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Keywords: co-60
MO-AB-SAN1-3Commissioning of a Noninvasive Breast Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Platform: GammaPod
Y Zhang1*, W Lu1 , N Salehi2 , D Parsons1 , R Reynolds1 , S Stojadinovic1 , S Jiang1 , X Gu1 , (1) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Dallas, TX, (2) Xcision Medical Systems, Columbia, MD
WE-C930-GePD-F3-1A New Stereotactic Radiotherapy Machine for Whole Body Cancer Treatment with Automatic Beam Quality Assurance and End-To-End Image Guidance
J Li1*, H Yan1 , J Zhang1 , P Zan1 , X Li2 , J Li1 , C Ma3 , H Liu1 , 1) OUR United Corporation, Xi'an, China (2) Tsinghua University, Beijing,China (3) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA,