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Keywords: calibration
PO-GePV-P-44Investigation of a 2D Detector Array for Quality Assurance with LA45 RaceTrack Microtron
J Xu1*, J Liu2 , J Panetta3 , A Eldib4 , T Lin5 , R Price6 , C Ma7 , (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (3) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (4) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (5) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (6) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (7) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
PO-GePV-T-80Pseudo Proton Radiography Beam Validation of Monte Carlo Dose Calculation in Two Pencil Beam Scanning Treatment Planning Systems
C Chang*, J Zhou , X Yang , A Dhabaan , R Zhang , T Liu , M McDonald , K Langen , L Lin , Emory University, Atlanta, GA
PO-GePV-T-85The Measurement of Absorbed-Dose to Water for Carbon Ion Beam with Ion Chambers
K Wang*, S Jin , z wang
PO-GePV-T-158Evaluation of the Dosimetric Consistency of a Gafchromic Film Over Several Batches
M Aima1*, C Hammer2 , L DeWerd2 , W Culberson2 , (1) University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
PO-GePV-T-318Characterization of a Plastic Scintillation Detector for Preclinical X-Ray Irradiators
N Viscariello*, L DeWerd , Dept of Med Phys, School of Medicine and Public Health, Univ of Wisc - Madison
SU-F-302-8Variability of Gamma Knife Output Calibration Based On Chamber Type, Phantom Material, and Dosimetry Protocol
A Boczkowski1*, S Graves2 , L Poplawski3 , D Hyer4 , (1) University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, (2) University Of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, (3) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (4) University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
SU-I430-GePD-F4-4Transitioning From TARGIT to V4.0 Calibration for the INTRABEAM System
M Shaikh1*, M Joiner2 , J Burmeister3 , (1) Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY, (2) Wayne State Univ, Detroit, MI, (3) Wayne State Univ School of Medicine, Detroit, MI
TH-BC-301-5Development and Implementation of a Small Field Calibration Procedure for a Novel Stereotactic Radiosurgery Device Utilizing TG-21 & IAEA TRS 483
S Becker*, E Nichols , B Yi , Univ. of Maryland School Of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
TH-D-304-10A Quick Calibration Technique of a Near-Infrared Camera for Body Surface Monitoring
A Saito1*, A Ohashi2,1 , T Nishio3 , D Hashimoto4 , H Maekawa4 , Y Murakami1 , S Ozawa5,1 , M Suitani4 , M Tsuneda3 , K Ikenaga2 , Y Nagata1,5 , (1) Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, (2) Ashiya Radiotherapy Clinic Nozomi, Ashiya, Japan, (3) Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo, Japan, (4) Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc., Tokyo, Japan, (5) Hiroshima High-Precision Radiotherapy Cancer Center, Hiroshima, Japan
TU-C930-GePD-F4-5Development of a Mailed Dosimetric Audit System for External Beam Radiation Therapy Using Alanine Dosimeters
M McEwen1*, I Mansour2 , (1) National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, (2) Carleton University, Ottawa,
TU-J345-GePD-F3-3Design Considerations for a Medium-Energy Free-Air Ionization Chamber
E King*, J Hull, D Anderson, L DeWerd, Dept of Med Phys, School of Medicine and Public Health, Univ of Wisc-Madison
TU-L-225BCD-8The Impact of Computed Tomography (CT) Reconstruction Kernels On Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Dose Calculation
I Vergalasova1 , M McKenna2 , N Yue1 , M Reyhan1*, (1) Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, (2) Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Hamilton, NJ
WE-AB-221AB-8Investigating the Use of Size Specific Calibrations to Perform Non Iodine Material Decomposition in Commercial Dual Energy CT Software
J Miller*, L DiMaso , J Huang , M Lawless , Univ of Wisc Madison, Madison, WI
WE-I-SAN4-0Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should Be Defined in Water at 10 Cm Depth Rather Than at DMAX
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-I-SAN4-1I think that Linacs should be calibrated at d_max. No wait! I changed my mind! No it should! I am confused.
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-I-SAN4-2Panel Member
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-I-SAN4-3Panel Member
C Wessels*, Varian Medical Systems, Ennetbaden, AG
WE-I-SAN4-4Panel Member
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-I-SAN4-5Panel Member
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-I-SAN4-6Panel Discussion
F Van den Heuvel1*, Q Wu2*, K Kielar3*, C Sandin4*, F Van den Heuvel5*, (1) University of Oxford, Oxford, ,(2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Elekta Ltd, Crawley, WSX, (5) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
WE-J-301-7A Modified Formalism for Electron Beam Reference Dosimetry to Improve the Accuracy of Linac Output Calibration
B Muir*, M McEwen , National Research Council, Ottawa, ON