(Monday, 7/15/2019) 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: Lila Cockrell Theatre
Positive relationships between employees and healthy communication in the workplace are consistently ranked among the top factors that lead to high employee satisfaction. The converse is also true; when interactions between colleagues and co-workers are not effective – or are even downright antagonistic – everyone suffers. Lack of effective communication in the workplace has consequences, which can range from increased stress levels and burn out to serious patient errors. The theme of this meeting, and Presidential Symposium, is Building Brides. Why build bridges? Because doing so Cultivates Safety and Grows our Value to our organizations, to the patients who ultimately benefit from our expertise, and to society in general.
The idiom “build bridges� is understood to mean: improve relationships between people who are very different or do not like each other; promote reconciliation or cooperation between hostile groups or people. While we hope that there are few hostile relationships amongst us, even in that situation, the first step to improving a relationship is stopping to listen – and understand. This symposium will provide an engaging look at the ways in which we can listen differently and understand better, building stronger and more rewarding relationships in our work environments.
The symposium will begin by looking at the AAPM. Who are we and how does our composition impact our professional communications? Does our culture give all of our members a voice in the organization? And, most importantly, are we listening to all our voices?
We will then learn about the power of a multi-generational team. We currently have five different generations in the workforce, each with different life experiences that have shaped their communication styles, their work styles, and their world views. Negative stereotypes about generations different from our own present a significant barrier to communication, to understanding, and to close working relationships. Healthy working relationships make our time at work not only effective, but personally rewarding. We spend a lot of time at work and with our work colleagues; we should enjoy our time together, building community, building comradery, building bridges.
Our keynote speaker, Amy Lynch, is a triathlete, an entrepreneur, a stand-up comic, and an expert in creating dynamic multi-generational teams. She is an advocate for every generation and will share her knowledge in an engaging, insightful and practical manner that will have you laughing out loud, while learning at the same time. Join us for a transformative – and fun – time with your friends and colleagues.
This symposium will prepare the learner to:
1. Embrace opportunities to invite all voices to their discussions
2. Anticipate communication challenges between different demographics and generations, and identify strategies to overcome them
3. Understand how unique events and conditions have shaped each generation
4. Leverage the essential strengths that each generation brings to the workplace.
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