(Monday, 7/15/2019) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: 303
This session will discuss recent advances in ultrasound technology and its cutting-edge use in the modern brachytherapy clinic. These talks will provide an overview of recent advances in 3D ultrasound imaging instrumentation as well as a sample of new technology that can be used for a variety of applications.
One new technology is the development and use of motorized fixtures to translate, tilt, or rotate the ultrasound transducer with predefined user-controlled spatial and angular spacing. Any manufacturer’s ultrasound transducer can be housed in the fixture and images from the ultrasound machine are acquired into a computer via a digital frame grabber. The acquired images are reconstructed into a 3D images as the images are acquired during a 6-10 sec scan, making a 3D image available immediate after the scan. Use of this technology will be discussed in the context of prostate, gynecologic, and breast brachytherapy systems developed that make use of 3D ultrasound imaging. This includes acquisition, reconstruction guidance and verification of brachytherapy needle placement using 3D ultrasound imaging.
Another technology is the use of Doppler ultrasound to avoid puncturing vessels when inserting interstitial needles during cervical brachytherapy. Discussion will include reporting on results of real time tracking using Doppler ultrasound in the clinic, including real-time (during the implant) mapping of vessel locations.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the lmitations of conventional 2D ultrasound imaging.
2. Learn what 3D ultrasound scan geometries are possible.
3. Learn what capabilities are possible by using 3D ultrasound imaging for brachytherapy.
4. Understand the reason for adding interstitial needles to a ring and tandem implant for cervical cancer.
5. Learn about frequency of blood vessels puncture during needles insertion in cervical brachytherapy.
6. Learn about the location, geometry, and number number of blood vessels located in the cervix.
Doppler Ultrasound, Interstitial Brachytherapy, Image-guided Therapy
TH- Brachytherapy: Development (new technology and techniques)
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