(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Room: 302
The American Board of Radiology is introducing a new activity to replace the decennial exam for those who participate in the maintenance of certification process (MOC). This new activity is called the ABR - On-line Longitudinal Assessment (ABR-OLA). Under ABR-OLA the assessment that is the Part 3 of MOC will become much simpler. This processes has been adopted by other boards and has been rolled out for diagnostic radiologists. The initial acceptance has been very positive. There are many advantages to ABR-OLA and they will be discussed in the presentation. ABR-OLA will become active for medical physicists in early 2020. This presentation will 1) Explain the rational for ABR-OLA; 2) Explain the practical aspects of ABR-OLA; 3) Provide a live demonstration of ABR-OLA; and provide a discussion of how physicists should prepare for ABR-OLA.
Learning Objectives
The participants will review the importance and value of the MOC program
The participants will develop a knowledge of ABR-OLA so they will be ready for the 2020 implementation
The participants will be aware of the ABR-OLA process and dashboard from watching the demo.
The participants should feel comfortable that they will be ready for ABR-OLA
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: G. Donald Frey is a part-time employee of the ABR
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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