(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 302
This session will address the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) challenges and strategies within the AAPM and the medical physics field. There will be two presentations by the chairs of the Women’s Professional Subcommittee and the Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee, followed by a round table discussion to map EDI concerns and strategies from the audience.
1. Equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives within the AAPM – Laura Cervino
The AAPM has identified Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the medical physics field as an important organizational strategic goal. To that end both the Diversity and Inclusion and Women’s professional subcommittees have joined efforts to address these new goals. This talk from the chair of the Women’s Professional Subcommittee will educate the audience on where the AAPM stands as an organization with regards to EDI, and some of the ongoing efforts to identify our EDI needs and actions.
2. Successful Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategies – Julianne Pollard-Larkin
This talk from the chair of the Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee will explain and define EDI for members of the audience who are not as familiar with how each aspect is defined. Many confuse the equity, diversity and inclusion terms and believe the terms are interchangeable. Each of these words has distinct definitions. Once the audience is aware of what EDI is, we will address strategies to increase EDI within the medical physics field and the AAPM.
Learning objectives
1. Define EDI
2. Explain the importance of EDI within medical physics
3. Review current EDI survey data for physics, medical physics, and radiation oncology
4. Identify current EDI challenges in the medical physics field
5. Give an overview of current AAPM EDI programs
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