(Monday, 7/15/2019) 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Room: Stars at Night Ballroom 1
Pediatric radiation therapy poses unique challenges in patient cooperation, immobilization, treatment planning, disease-specific treatment techniques, image guidance, and late effects. Special care should be taken to ensure safe and optimal delivery of radiation therapy to children.
In 2018 Annual Meeting, AAPM and Children’s Oncology Group (COG) created the first joint session which focused on pediatric image guidance to establish a long-term collaborative partnership between two organizations. COG is the world’s largest clinical trial group devoted exclusively to pediatric cancer research.
A follow-up education session in this year’s meeting focuses on practical treatment techniques and treatment planning methods. Topics include volumetric modulated arc therapy, total body irradiation, craniospinal irradiation, and proton therapy for various types of pediatric cancers. Medical physicists will learn practical knowledge that can be applied to their clinics and further improve the plan quality and compliance in clinical trials which can be an important determinant of patient outcome.
Learning objectives:
1. Be updated on the contemporary practice and trends in pediatric radiation therapy.
2. Review classic and modern radiation therapy techniques of major pediatric cancers.
3. Learn how medical physicists can apply advances in treatment planning to pediatric cancer therapy.
Clinical Trials, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Effects
TH- External beam- photons: General (most aspects)
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