(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: 221CD
This is the 3rd session of three in the AAPM-ISMRM MRI safety symposium and caps the series with advanced MR safety topics geared specifically towards medical physicists. Due to the inherent value that MRI brings to patients, the number of MRI procedures has steadily increased both within and outside of traditional radiology departments. New system designs and hybrid MRI systems enable interactive MR-guidance of interventional treatments. Clinical diagnostic imaging is now available on a 7 Tesla system. Within patients, an increasing number of implanted or accessory devices have been tested and labeled with specific MR conditions for safety. However, there can be a significant gap in applied MR safety knowledge for medical physicists – mainly due to the ever-increasing complexity of implanted devices and MR hardware in clinical use across the wide range of environments or clinical departments. This session will introduce how medical physicists working at an MR safety expert level can help establish safety protocols and procedures within these unique situations. The topics will include evaluation of implanted devices in the clinical setting, interventional/intra-operative MR and thermo-physiological modeling to determine in-vivo heating, MR safety in Radiation Oncology (including lower field strength systems of non-cylindrical design <1.5T), and MR safety in higher field strengths (7T and above).
Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze MR safety labeling for implanted devices and describe implementation in the clinical setting
2. Discuss MR safety in intra-operative and interventional MRI settings including thermo-physiological modeling to determine in-vivo heating
3. Special focus on MR safety in MR-guided radiation therapy in Radiation Oncology hybrid MR systems and lower field strengths (<1.5T)
4. Review emerging MR safety issues when using ultra-high magnetic fields (7T above)
IM- MRI : Risk evaluation & control
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