(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: Raising awareness on some common error sources in patient dose reporting in commercial CT dose monitoring enterprises especially in multi- body parts CT studies and propose some solutions for them
Methods: CT scanners from two major manufacturers and three CT dose monitoring software were evaluated for multi-body parts CT studies. The accuracy of body parts thickness measurements were evaluated. In dicom radiation dose structured report (RDSR) files, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined for multi-body parts CT studies in relevant accessions to just pick up those series related to a certain body part.
Results: Discrepancies in patient accumulative CT dose were found because of sole RDSR file in multi– body parts CT studies and it was replicated to all accessions. There were thickness measurements inaccuracy due to algorithm or wrong windowing.
Conclusion: There is a need to carefully control and monitor the accurate CT dose metrics reported by patient dose monitoring enterprises, especially for multi body-parts CT studies. Technologists need to be educated to use proper vendor specific strategies when performing these studies. Automatic thickness measurements by enterprises must be evaluated for accuracy if there is a plan to use Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) method for patient dose evaluations.
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