(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: The Professional Master's degree program in Medical Physics is a joint effort of the State University of Rio de Janeiro the Cancer Foundation as part of the National Education Program in Radiation Oncology. The purpose of this program is to qualify professionals to work mainly in public, philanthropic or private radiation oncology centers that treat patients referred by the Brazilian Health Care System (SUS). This action is intended to help minimize the present gap of qualified medical physicists in Brazil especially in the northeast region where a large number of Linacs will be installed in the next 2 years.
Methods: A workload of 5588 hours is divided in 635 hours of theory and lab work, 4853 hours of clinical experience plus a research project. Each student is awarded a fellowship and received a laptop with a treatment planning system installed, Internet access to the recommended bibliography and the lectures and a set complete set of the clinical cases to practice before the clinical training. This innovative paperless project allows an effective interaction among the students, professors and the coordinators. All lectures, exams, lab reports and homeworks are uploaded into the managing software called Tandle (Teach and Learning) and latter on will be made available to other training programs in the Latin America. For the clinical training, the students were distributed in 15 different well-equipped institutions to work under the supervision of at least one Board Certified Medical Physicist.
Results: This program has so far graduated 20 medical physicists and this new educational approach has been successfully accomplished.
Conclusion: This medical physics education program combines the academic and professional needs to understand the duties and responsibilities of a Medical Physicist.The Ministry of Health, PRONON Program, finances this project and the State University of Rio de Janeiro provides the Degree.
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