(Monday, 7/15/2019) 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 6
Purpose: Online proton range verification based on measurements of secondary radiation signals such as 511 keV gamma rays is a promising solution for precision proton therapy. The primary focus of this paper is to find the correlation between dose distribution and detected gamma ray in terms of the range.
Methods: The spatial information of 1D profiles of 511 keV gamma rays was derived through the use of an array collimators and a dual-panel radiation detection system. Simulations were carried out with GATE-8.0 and Geant4-10.3 toolkit, based upon a spot-scanning proton treatment system. A least square polynomial fitting method was derived to establish the relationship between the 1D profiles of dose distribution and activity distribution based upon the 50% falloff position.
Results: The results proved the feasibility of the proposed method. For 3 proton pulses (less than 13 secs), the model is able to predict the range within 2 mm uncertainty for different energies and incoming positions.
Conclusion: Our proposed technique may enable highly accurate online range verification.
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