(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 1
Purpose: To audit and determine radiation dose utilization for fluoroscopy procedures performed with mobile C-Arms or performed in radiography/fluoroscopy (R/F) suite at a tertiary and quaternary care hospital.
Methods: IRB approved this retrospective study. All fluoroscopy procedures performed with any one of the 14 mobile C-Arms (GE:OECs, Philips:Veradius, Ziehm:Vision-R) or in an R/F suite (Siemens:Axiom-Iconos-200) from July-2017 till June-2018 were reviewed. Mobile C-Arms were used for surgical, orthopedic, pain-management, gastroenterology and urology procedures. All cases with system-reported cumulative air kerma (CAK) were included in the study. For the included cases, patients’ BMI, age and gender, along with fluoroscopy time for each procedure were also recorded. Descriptive statistics were computed from this data-set (using IBM’s SPSS Statistics) to characterize radiation utilization for different procedures.
Results: Data from 1122 cases were included (53% female and 47% male patients; mean age:53.9±17.9years; mean BMI:28.4±6.7). The mean (±standard deviation) and median CAK values for radiology procedures (n=102; e.g., arthrograms, aspirations, etc.) performed with mobile C-Arms were 16.5(±54.4)mGy and 2.39mGy, respectively. For surgical procedures performed in the operating room (n=549) the mean and median CAK values were 36.8(±79.6)mGy and 11.4mGy, respectively. Mean and median CAK values were 65.2(±90.2)mGy and 32.7mGy for gastroenterology procedures (n=98), 16.1(±14.6)mGy and 12.4mGy for urology procedures (n=24), and 46.3(±84.0)mGy and 28.8mGy for pain-management procedures (n=146) performed in neurosurgery department. For procedures performed in the R/F suite (n=203), the mean and median CAK values were 168.2(±262.1)mGy and 72.6mGy. Depending upon the type of procedure, the mean fluoroscopy time ranged from 71 to 497 secs.
Conclusion: Data indicates that with mobile C-Arms or R/F suite the radiation utilization for routine procedures is an order of magnitude lower relative to threshold radiation dose values recommended for patient follow-up. Thus, monitoring such low radiation dose values may not be optimal use of healthcare resources.
IM- Radiation dose and risk: General (Most Aspects)
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