(Thursday, 7/18/2019) 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: 304
Purpose: To present IROC-Houston’s (IROC-H) anthropomorphic end-to-end QA phantom results from international sites
Methods: IROC-H and the MD Anderson Phantom Lab (MDAPL) send anthropomorphic phantoms around the world for QA purposes and to credential sites for protocols sponsored by NCI, other national study groups and pharmaceutical companies. All phantoms (HN, liver, lung, prostate, spine, spine lung and SRS phantoms) have PTVs that contain TLD and radiochromic film. The phantoms are mailed to institutions with instructions to image, plan, setup for treatment and irradiate the phantoms as they would a patient. The phantoms are returned and DICOM-RT data is submitted so that the measured delivery can be compared to the calculated plan.
Results: From 2009 to 2018, radiotherapy sites in 52 countries on 6 continents have irradiated our end-to-end QA phantoms. A total of 5269 phantoms were irradiated in this time period of which 577 were from international sites. The pass rates for all irradiations were 90%, 71%, 86%, 86%, 77%, 84%, and 68% for HN, liver, lung, prostate, spine, spine-lung and SRS respectively. Pass rates for international sites were 92%, 65%, 95%, 92%, 82%, 100%, and 77% for HN, liver, lung, prostate, spine, spine-lung and SRS respectively. The only significantly different results between the overall and the international pass rates was for the lung phantom (p=0.014). The phantom program has provide phantoms to 21% of the world’s countries. The vast majority of countries where no institution has received a phantom are middle or low income countries that have fewer RT resources.
Conclusion: The phantom pass rates indicate that international sites are equivalent to the overall pass rate indicating their ability to deliver radiation that matches their treatment plan. These are encouraging results for clinical trials that must incorporate international sites to reach adequate accrual.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Supported by NCI grant CA180803
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- External beam- photons: Quality Assurance - IMRT
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