(Thursday, 7/18/2019) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: 303
Purpose: The goal of this work is to compare our recently developed kz-space based high-through plane resolution 2D multislice T2-weighted Spin Echo (T2SE) with direct 3D T2SE (CUBE) applied to prostate imaging.
Methods: 2D T2SE is used in nearly all clinical MRI exams with limitation of coarse through-plane resolution. In our recently described method, we acquired 3mm thick slices with 1mm slice increment (2mm overlap, TR/TE:4350/100ms, ETL:21, in-plane resolution:0.93×0.93mm², scan time:6:31). The slice overlap prevents aliasing in the slice-select direction that is caused by larger slice spacing, e.g. abutted slices. To correct for the slice profile effect, we used kz-space-based deconvolution with the Tikhonov regularization. The standard 3D T2SE protocol used CUBE (TR/TE:2402/93ms, ETL:60, slice thickness:2mm, in-plane resolution:0.93×1.17mm², scan time:6:15). These two sequences were compared for a continuous comb resolution phantom and in vivo. Comparisons were done in axial and coronal/sagittal (reformatted from reconstructed axial 2D images) orientations for image quality and sharpness.
Results: In the resolution phantom, resolution restoration is significantly better in the kz-space method compared to CUBE in all directions. In vivo, in the axial orientation of T2SE, the in-plane resolution and image sharpness are better compared to CUBE. The reformatted coronal and sagittal orientations are compared with coronal and sagittal orientations of the CUBE series. For both coronal and sagittal orientations the 2D images appear sharper but with some level of artifact.
Conclusion: These results show the improved image sharpness and resolution restoration in all three orientations for our new kz-space-based processing of multislice images compared to CUBE, with the two acquisitions normalized for equal field-of-view and scan time. The current multislice acquisition causes some increased sensitivity to motion for the kz-space-based approach, but we expect modified acquisition to markedly reduce this. Processing multislice data in kz-space offers great potential for high through-plane resolution T2SE MRI.
Resolution, Deconvolution, K-space
IM- MRI : Development (New technology and techniques)
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