(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Stars at Night Ballroom 1
Purpose: Recent research suggests that KCl:Eu2+ storage phosphor-based 2D detector panels demonstrate extremely high radiation hardness, reusability (numerous uses), near water-equivalence, and dose linearity over a wide dose latitude (up to 60 Gy).The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of casting KCl:Eu2+ into waterproofed, thin films for the encoding of spatial information of radiation fields under laboratory conditions.
Methods: KCl and EuCl3.6H2O particles were mixed and micronized simultaneously, in a spiral jet miller, at 6.5bars of pressure, to a europium molar concentration of 0.3%, in an inert nitrogen environment of a glovebox. They were then sintered at 710°C over an additional 3h. The mixed and sintered particles were then added to a slurry vehicle, at 75.4% powder loading by weight, and then mixed before being cast into a 200µm thick green tape. To test the feasibility of waterproofing the tapes, some of the particles were pressed into pellets, which were then coated with 15µm of Parylene-C.
Results: SEM analysis of the milled particles shows ideal particle size milling, to a mean diameter of approximately 1µm, with non-existent particle clumping due to moisture. There is an even distribution of the europium dopant, and a narrow particle diameter spread, making it ideal for tape casting. The sintered particles are measured and verified to be PSL-active. The subsequent green tape has good uniformity in particle packing, as verified with SEM analysis. Parylene-C is shown to be an ideal material for waterproofing as it interacts minimally with the active material, does not degrade the optical signal, and preserves its integrity even when immersed in water for multiple hours.
Conclusion: Preliminary data demonstrates the feasibility of casting and waterproofing micronized KCl:Eu2+ dosimetry particles into a 2D detector panel.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- Radiation dose measurement devices: Development (new technology and techniques)
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