(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: 301
Purpose: Radiotherapy treatment planning is a complex process with multiple, dependent steps involving an interdisciplinary patient care team. Effective communication and real-time tracking of resources and tasks are key for clinical efficiency and patient safety. We have developed an interactive web-based dashboard for patient care path, clinical workflow and resource utilization management.
Methods: We used RESTful web design methodology to develop a secure, interactive, real-time and dynamic web-based dashboard to monitor and visualize resource utilization and progress in a patient’s care path from the time of acquisition of the planning CT to the time of treatment. The dashboard was designed to integrate with the department’s Record and Verify System, MOSAIQ, and existing clinical workflow without the creation and maintenance of a separate database or duplication of work.
Results: The dashboard dynamically consolidates real-time information queried from the MOSAIQ SQL database over multiple views, unified by treatment simulation date and physician name. (1) Linac Sims summarizes patient appointment times, setup history and notes, and linear accelerator assignment and load, (2) Task status lists the clinical tasks associated with a treatment plan, their due date, status and ownership, and patient appointment details, (3) Documents provides the status of all documents in the patients’ charts, and (4) Diagnoses and Interventions (D&I) summarizes prescription information, imaging instructions and whether the plan was treat approved. We can identify, at a glance, delays in a patient’s treatment initiation. Being web-based, the dashboard is easily accessible and customizable.
Conclusion: Providing advance notice of bottlenecks and issues in the radiation treatment planning process and ensuring that these are communicated to the entire care team through an interactive, dynamic web-based dashboard, allows their resolution in a safe and timely manner while ensuring optimal use of resources. The dashboard can be integrated in other clinical practices that incorporate MOSAIQ.
Quality Assurance, Radiation Therapy, Record And Verify
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