(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: 301
Purpose: To analyze and present the China’s national survey on patient-specific IMRT quality assurance (QA).
Methods: A national survey was conducted in all radiotherapy centers in China to collect comprehensive information on status of IMRT QA practice, including machine, technique, equipment, issues and suggestions.
Results: 403 centers responded to this survey, accounting for 56.92% of all the centers implementing IMRT in China. The number of medical physics currently working in those centers is 1599 and the number of patients treated per year with IMRT in those centers is 305000, respectively. All centers implemented measurement-based verification. Point dose verification and 2D dose verification was implemented in 331 and 399 centers, respectively. 348 centers had 2D arrays, and 52 centers had detector devices designed to measure VMAT beams. EPID and film were used in 78 and 70 centers, respectively. 17 and 20 centers used log file and 3D DVH analysis, respectively. 168 centers performed measurement-based verification not for each patient based on different selection criteria. The techniques and methods varied significantly in both point dose and dose distribution verification, from evaluation metrics, criteria, tolerance limit, and steps to check failed IMRT QA plans. Major issues identified in this survey were the limited resources of physicists, QA devices, and linacs.
Conclusion: IMRT QA was implemented in all the surveyed centers. The practice of IMRT QA varied significantly between centers. An increase in personnel, QA devices and linacs is highly desired. National standard, guideline, regulation and training programs are urgently needed in China for consistent and effective implementation of IMRT QA.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This study was supported by National natural Science Foundation of China [Grant numbers: 81071237, 81372420].
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