(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: 301
Purpose: To evaluate use of High-Dose Rate (HDR) treatment planning scripts and a retrospective database of HDR plan quality endpoints to improve real-time HDR quality assurance plan review and departmental peer review.
Methods: Treatment planning script files were created for HDR plan quality review using an application programming interface (API) within the Eclipse Brachytherapy planning software. Script files were developed using C# plug-in routines to automatically extract relevant plan information for patient-specific HDR brachytherapy plans. Extracted HDR plan parameters included target and organ-at-risk dose-volume endpoints (CTV prescription, DCTV90%, VCTV100%, VCTV150%, DOAR0.1cc, DOAR1cc, DOAR2cc, etc.) and applicator and source position parameters. The script generates a quality assurance report and writes the patient dose-volume endpoints to an HDR plan-quality registry file. A MATLAB based data extraction and analysis tool was developed to parse the registry file and compare the plan quality data for the patient being planned in real-time with the data from all previously treated patients stored in the HDR registry database.
Results: The treatment planning scripts provide an efficient method for reviewing an HDR patient plan compared with planning constraints achieved for the 73-prostate interstitial, 35 GYN-interstitial, and 53 SAVI patients already contained in the database. The peer review analysis tool allows physicians to review the current plan parameters in the context of the average plan-quality parameters for patients with similar prescription, structure volumes, and applicator arrangement.
Conclusion: Extracting real-time plan quality information using scripting and comparison with previously planned registry data allows for systematic monitoring of dosimetric plan quality and consistency.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- Brachytherapy: Virtual planning comparisons
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