(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 1
Purpose: Lu-177 is used clinically for peptide receptor radiation therapy (PRRT). Many patients who receive this treatment will have post-therapy SPECT/CT studies, but few will have doses calculated to the tumor(s) or the organs at risk. In this work we outline how a inhouse solution was developed using GATE, an open source Monte Carlo simulation package that is based upon Geant4.
Methods: The electron energy spectrum was calculated for the decay of Lu-177. In GATE, a point of activity with the electron energy spectrum was simulated and the dose (Gy) per voxel was generated for a water cube (10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm). This resulting matrix was used as the dose-kernel and had the same resolution as the SPECT/CT studies. When the two are convolved, the result is the dose to the patient. Once the dose was calculated, it was saved as a DICOM RTDose file and can be registered to the SPECT/CT.
Results: The dose calculation takes less than a minute to complete. The resulting RTDose file can be used to calculate doses to targets, organs at risk, and create dose volume histograms.
Conclusion: Inhouse solutions such as these have the potential to better understand the doses received by patients (to targets and organs at risk) who receive molecular radiation therapy. Validation in the form of phantom studies and measurements need to be performed to understand uncertainties associated with these techniques.
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