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Fabrication of Custom Patient Specific QA Phantoms for Superficial Lesions with a Handheld Optical Scanner and 3D Printer: A Feasibility Study

DN Stanley*, E Covington , R Sullivan , S Shen , R Popple , The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL


(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 3

Purpose: Traditionally, treatment plans for superficial lesions treated with electrons have no patient specific verification due to the anatomical complexity and short planning time. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a low cost streamlined patient specific QA procedure for superficial lesions utilizing a handheld optical 3D scanner and 3D printer for custom patient specific phantom creation.

Methods: Three representative anatomical locations (face, hand and foot) commonly associated with superficial lesions and having complex surface shapes where chosen. Using a handheld Sense 3D optical surface scanner (3Dsystems, Rock Hill, SC), the representative sites were scanned and imported directly into Ideamaker (Raise3D, Irvine, CA) for slicing and print preparation. For each site, the 3D generated surface was bisected to allow film or OSLD placement at a clinically relevant depth for QA. The phantom was then printed on a Raise3D Pro2 dual extruder 3D printer (Raise3D, Irvine, CA). Total phantom creation and printing time, cost and printed phantom dimensions were evaluated for clinical feasibility.

Results: The total scanning, preparation and printing times of the representative head, hand and foot were 18.5 hrs, 8.5 hrs, 12.4 hrs respectively. Printing costs, calculated by the 3Dprinter based on the filament cost and type, were $19.50, $3.10, $7.80 for the head, hand and foot. Measurements of each printed model agreed with the scanned body part to within 1 mm for each measured segment.

Conclusion: Utilizing the quick scanning and low cost capabilities of the Sense3D optical surface scanner and Rasie3D pro2 3D printer it was found that custom patient specific phantom creation for superficial lesions was inexpensive, quick to implement and efficient to standardize. Further study of the dosimetric impact and accuracy of the printed phantoms is currently underway.


Quality Assurance, Optical Imaging, 3D


TH- External beam- electrons: Development (new technology and techniques)

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