(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 3
Purpose: To develop a MATLAB® software that is capable of combining multiple treatment fields into one single eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for delivery using Varian’s Truebeam developer mode.
Methods: Our in-house developed MATLAB® software reads the exported DICOM RT files of a treatment plan and combines all fields in the plan into a single XML file, considering the positioning accuracy of all mechanical axes. This software was tested using five treatment plans of increasing complexity for treating a planning target volume (PTV), (1) three-dimensional (3D) X and Y jaws, (2) 3D X and Y jaws with open field multileaf collimators (MLCs), (3) 3D X and Y jaw with single control point, (4) step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with 5 control points, and (5) step-and-shoot IMRT with 10 control points. All plans were generated with 92 individual fields, and compiled into a single XML file using the developed MATLAB® software. Each plan was delivered onto an IMRT QA phantom. Planned dose was compared to measured dose using 2-dimensional (2D) gamma analysis with passing criteria of 2% dose difference (DD) and 2 mm distance to agreement (DTA). As a secondary QA check, the LINAC log files of beam delivery were used to verify the leaf position accuracy of MLC per control point for multiple fields.
Results: All XML-based plans were delivered with passing 2D gamma criteria (2mm/2%) of 98±1.2%. The root mean square of log files was calculated as 0.0181±0.0012mm for 3D and 0.0256±0.0041mm for IMRT cases. Average delivery time was ~5 minutes for automated delivery as compared to ~30 minutes if delivered individually.
Conclusion: We have developed a software that can convert the multiple fields of a treatment plan into a single XML file. Preliminary test of file-based delivery using this software demonstrated significant improvements in treatment delivery efficiency without compromising accuracy.
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