(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: To compare the plan quality of HyperArc High Definition Radiotherapy (HDRT) plans to current templated SRS workflow for radiosurgery treatments of base-of-skull lesions.
Methods: Ten base-of-skull intracranial patients (8 Acoustic Neuromas, 2 Cavernous Sinus) were re-planned using the HDRT workflow. The optimization objectives were the same as the templated workflow. The SRS normal tissue objective (NTO) was utilized in the HDRT plans whereas the manual NTO was utilized in the conventional SRS workflow. Base-of-skull lesions were chosen due to proximity to organs at risk such as the cochlea and the optic nerve. Dose to 95% (PTV_D95%) and maximum-point-dose (PTV_D0.035cc) were evaluated for the PTV. Maximum-point-dose (OAR_D0.035cc) of the proximal OAR (cochlea or optic nerve), the volume of normal brain that received 12Gy (Brain_V12Gy), and the maximum dose to the ipsilateral orbit (Orbit_Dmax) were evaluated. Conformity was compared using RTOG Conformity Index (CI), Paddick CI, Gradient Index (GI), and the total time for delivery was calculated from the monitor units (MUs). Statistical significance was evaluated using a paired student t-test.
Results: No significant difference was found between the HDRT plan and the templated SRS plan for PTV_D0.035cc, OAR_D0.035c, and Brain_V12Gy. In the HDRT plans, PTV_D95% increased from an average of 13.0Gy to 13.1 Gy(p=0.006). The templated plans achieved better RTOG CI and GI, 1.14 vs 1.15 and 4.19 vs 4.23 respectively, than the HDRT plans; whereas the HDRT plans achieved better Paddick CI (0.83 vs 0.82), but were not statistically significant. MUs and subsequent calculated beam-on time were greater for the HDRT plans, on average 4.1min versus 3.4min for the templated SRS cases(p=0.011).
Conclusion: Plan quality between HDRT and templated SRS plans were similar. The increase in MUs and beam-on time suggest that the gain in efficiency from a HDRT workflow may be due to delivery automation rather than planning.
Radiosurgery, Treatment Planning
TH- External beam- photons: intracranial stereotactic/SBRT
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