(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: Ultrasound forms a critical component of Trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate brachtherapy, however, ultrasound training is not required in radiation oncology training programs. The purpose of this study was to develop a range of training devices which simulate both the anthropomorphic and sonographic characteristics of the different presentations of patient specific prostate cancer cases, which will be included in a training programme.
Methods: The development of these training devices was an iterative process that included feedback from clinical experts to ensure that the devices were clinically-relevant. The design of the clinical features involved selection of patient cases and then rapid prototyping the different anatomical features and inverse casting. Novel tissue mimicking materials (TMM) were developed that had the sonographic appearance of the prostate and overlying tissues, as well as having the relevant mechanical compliance to give the training devices required haptic feedback. Prototype devices were evaluated by clinical experts to ensure the devices were fit-for-purpose.
Results: The patient cases included in these devices had known patient outcomes based on the optimum treatment, and this provided the gold standard against which each trainee could be evaluated. Clinical competencies for the specific requirements on TRUS guided brachytherapy were established and represented as a metric, and a leader-board of performance was established on a collaborative learning website to provide an aspect of gamification to the training.
Conclusion: Each patient case, provided an opportunity for specific technical and clinical competencies to be evaluated and refined; as they varied in terms of difficulty and complexity. The 3D prototyped clinical features in these devices provided a more clinically-relevant representation of the procedure, thus providing a more efficacious training opportunity. These devices will be used in the development of a training programme, and will complement the learner’s development of the specific skills required for the procedure.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
IM- Ultrasound : Phantoms - physical
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