(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: To enhance the presence of the medical physicist in the clinic by increasing physical activity during working hours and to improve clinical relationships, ultimately improving workflow.
Methods: A floor plan of the UT Southwestern Radiation Oncology clinic was acquired detailing the location of the seven linear accelerator vaults, CT scanner, and dosimetry planning areas. A walking route was designed for the therapy physicist of the day (TPOD), who plays a vital role in managing any issues that arise during clinical hours. This route maximized the amount of interaction the physicist would have with therapists and dosimetrists. Experiments were performed detailing the amount of time and steps this route required, and a daily walking schedule was designed. Furthermore, a short survey was distributed to dosimetrists and therapists to gauge how this may impact their relationship with the physicist.
Results: The designed route took approximately 5.2 ± 0.2 minutes to walk, not including conversation time, and required 423 ± 31 steps. With the schedule of three times a day, the amount of steps increases by approximately 1275, corresponding to a decrease of relative cardiovascular risk by 10-12.5% for the physicist. Survey results show that therapists and dosimetrists believe more physical presence in the clinic may promote a relationship of respect and friendship with the physicist. However, they believe this is only true if the interactions and conversations are genuine and not artificial.
Conclusion: Physicists can improve their health and personal relationships with therapists and dosimetrists by simply enhancing physical presence in the clinic, which may ultimately lead to a more positive working environment and improved workflow.
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