(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: The cardiac injury is a common complication of breast cancer radiotherapy. The purpose of the study is to quantify the radiation doses received by the cardiac segments in radiotherapy of breast cancer patients.
Methods: We retrospectively enrolled 192 consecutive patients with left-sided breast cancer treated at shandong cancer hospital during the year 2015-2018. All patients were irradiated with 6MV tangential beams to the breast or chest wall. The tangents fields and an anterior obliqued nodal field was added to the standard tangent fields treatment regimens were developed. The Left main trunk (LM), left anterior descending (LAD), left circumflex (LCX) and right coronary artery (RCA) were delineated for patients. Detailed spatial assessment of dose to the above parts were performed for all patients.
Results: For the all patients given left-sided irradiation, the average dose to heart was 3.6 Gy. The average dose of LM, LAD, LCX and RCA was 6.4Gy, 3.8 Gy, 6.3Gy and 2.1Gy. 40 patients have a cardiac dose of more than 20Gy.
Conclusion: The average dose to heart is not a good surrogate parameter for the dose to the LAD. Heart dose from left-tangential radiotherapy has significantly reduced heart dose, but part of the heart still receives high dose(>20Gy).
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