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Purpose: LA (X knife /γ knife) physicist is a relatively stable profession in China with a social orientation as a medical physicist. Statistically, there are only 1,100 medical physicists in 2007, about 3,300 in December 2018 , and the rate of growth is moderate over the last ten years.
Methods: The qualification certificate of medical physicist in China is issued by governmental agencies and two years of work experience is a prerequisite for obtaining this certificate. The promotion of professional title still needs to be based on existing professional title, because the unified promotion channel is absent to date in China. Post of senior professional title have not been set up in some hospitals.
Results: Medical physicists majored in applied physics in college, whereas the major was very scattered in China. At present, there are 190 colleges for undergraduate studies, 13 colleges for graduate students, and only a few colleges for doctorates in China. In addition, Duke University enroll a Master of Science in Medical Physics in China every year. There are more than 10,000 radiologists in China, the medical physicists are only about 3300 and are still relatively lacking. To date, medical physicists in China are mainly engaged in planning design, quality control and assurance, scientific research and teaching, the job content and time allocation need to be further optimized.
Conclusion: The industry of medical physicists in China lags behind the advanced level of the world, which needs to be developed in the long term. The nation and industry organizations should take responsibility for increasing the investment in higher education, professional certification and responsibility optimization, establishing and perfecting the professional system and admission standard of medical physicists.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC0103400), Jianfeng Q. was supported by the Taishan Scholars Program of Shandong Province (TS201712065).