(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 4
Purpose: To compare the dosimetric difference of Hi·Art�Monaco�Eclipse plans for small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients,mainly helical tomotherapy (HT) Vs volumetric-modulated arc therapy(VMAT)
Methods: The clinical VMAT plans for 20 SCLC patients from Monaco 5.11 were made retrospectively with Eclipse 11.0 in one full arc. HT plans were generated on Hi·Art 5.1.1. and the field widths were set to 2.5cm for all patients.The three plans were designed to meet clinically acceptable target coverage as well as organ-at-risk(OAR) sparing. Dose-volume histogram statistics of the three plans were analyzed in terms of conformity index (CI), heterogeneity index (HI), and parameters of OARs.
Results: A significantly higher Max dose and D1% were observed in Eclipse VMAT Plans than HT or Monaco Plans for targets(P≤0.05), and no consistent difference of dose uniformity/ homogeneity were found. Mean lungs V20Gy,V30Gy and esophagus V50Gy were significantly reduced by HT compared to VMAT (P=0.000, 0.012).The heart was spared by VMAT compared to HT in terms of V10Gy, V20Gy,V30Gy,V40Gy (P<0.05),especially for much lower V30Gy,V20Gy,V10Gy,V5Gy of Body_5mm(5mm inner from Body) in VMAT plans. For VMAT plans, dose to esophagus,lungs,spinal cord and Body_5mm were largely reduced by Monaco plans compared to Eclipse Plans, and heart showed no significant difference among VMAT plans (p ≥0.524).
Conclusion: For target max dose constraints,Eclipse plans were inferior to Monaco and HT. For OARs sparing, HT plans would increase dose for heart and Body_5mm comparing with VMAT plans. And Monaco plans provided better organs at risk sparing . All in all, Monaco plans would be a good option among the three treatment for SCLC patients.
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