Room: 301
Technology advances in x-ray mammography continue to make significant improvements in early detection and staging of breast carcinoma with a focus on reducing patient dose. This session will provide the medical physicist with current insights into technologies and clinical applications of mammography systems developed by GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Hologic and FujiFilm.
The GE Healthcare Senographe Pristina mammography system was designed to deliver state of the art diagnostic accuracy for the detection of breast cancer, while making breast screening more comfortable and inviting for patients. The technology choices for the Senographe Pristina will be presented and justified, while an independent physical imaging performance evaluation will also be described. Advanced applications such as Contrast –Enhanced Spectral Mammography, patient-assisted compression and x-ray guided biopsy will be discussed.
The Siemens Healthineers wide-angle digital breast tomosyntesis (DBT) system with its high depth resolution provides excellent tissue separation in 3D mammography. System design, image reconstruction, synthetic mammograms (2D and 3D) and DBT guided biopsy will be described, and clinical use cases will be discussed. In addition, dual-energy technique, grid-less applications, as well as a short outlook to future developments will be presented.
Hologic’s latest DBT system now offers Clarity HD, or 70-micron full resolution DBT system, which brings 3D acquisition resolution to the same level as 2D flat field digital mammography (FFDM). Intelligent2D, the 70-micron synthesized 2D images derived from the Clarity HD reconstructed slices, also have improved spatial resolution over its roughly 100-micron C-view counterpart. When paired with Smart Mapping and Quantra, these new features can allow for better visualization and characterization of breast tissue structures, and may speed up DBT review times. The performance of Hologic’s standard resolution DBT will be compared to the new Clarity HD DBT using imaging metrics such as modulation transfer function (MTF) and contrast detail curves (CDMAM), while focusing on how those physics measurements correlate to the improvements seen in clinical results.
Fujifilm’s ASPIRE Cristalle mammography system offers unique technologies to reduce patient dose, improve image quality and patient outcomes. Hexagonal Close Pattern (HCP) detector, intelligent AEC (iAEC), Iterative Super-Resolution (ISR) reconstruction, and the S-view synthetic 2D image will be described and clinical cases will be presented.
Learning objectives:
1. To understand the main technical features, physical imaging performance and the advanced applications of GE Healthcare Senographe Pristina.
2. To get insight into the technology, advanced features and clinical applications of SIEMENS Healthineers wide-angle DBT system.
3. To review the latest Hologic DBT products, understand the differences between Standard Tomo+C-view and Clarity HD+Inteligent 2D and learn how physics testing results align with clinical outcome.
4. To translate the Fujifilm’s ASPIRE Cristalle recent advances in FFDM and DBT technologies to the improvements in image quality and patient dose reduction.
IM- Breast x-ray Imaging: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)