Room: Pins Room | Hall 2
In this session, we will discuss Parts 1 through 3 of the ABR initial certification in diagnostic medical physics and nuclear medical physics. Preparation for these exams can be stressful and overwhelming, but the aim of this session is to provide exam preparation advice that presenters believe will successfully guide examinees through the board certification process.
Speakers in this session constitute a diverse range of experience including diagnostic medical physics, nuclear medical physics, ABR, and experience as a course director of a practice oral exam short course for diagnostic medical physicists. Preparation recommendations and useful resources for parts 1 through 3 will be shared. Rules and expectations for ABR testing will also be presented to reduce any uncertainty or surprises in the testing process. Finally, potential pitfalls for examinees during Part 3’s oral exam will be discussed.
After the presentations, this session will provide time for the presenters to answer questions from the audience as a panel.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the organization and scope of each part of the board exams.
2. Learn about ABR rules and procedures candidates will encounter during the board certification process.
3. Learn key skills for obtaining the necessary level of content knowledge and experience to successfully pass Parts 1 through 3 of the diagnostic and nuclear medical physics.
Not Applicable / None Entered.