(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: A nationwide Australian company are looking to standardise the beam models used in Eclipse v.15.6 to provide consistent service and quality across all sites nationwide. This will make commissioning any new centres or upgrading existing systems much easier as only one database with one set of beam models and configured algorithms will need to be tested and rolled out.
Methods: A proof of concept project between two states, New South Wales and Queensland, was devised whereby beam models (AAA 15.6, eMC 15.6, PO 15.6) were configured using the Varian TrueBeam Representative Beam Data (VTRBD) for Eclipse and compared to measured beam data. Firstly, measured beam data (PDD, Profile) was collected for all photon and electron energies using the method outlined by the VTRBD document and compared to the VTRBD to ensure the linac performance was matched to the VTRBD. For all available photon energies (6MV, 10MV and 6FFF) IAEA TecDoc 1583 and IAEA TecDoc 1540 plans were generated and compared to measured data. PDDs, profiles, and output factors were calculated for a range of field sizes in a water phantom in Eclipse and compared to measured data. Test patient QA plans for a range of energies and techniques were generated in Eclipse for delivery on ArcCheck and compared to the measured dose distributions.
Results: Initial results are promising with very good agreement between measured data in NSW and the calculated plans. Full results will be presented.
Conclusion: A nationwide beam model would allow the company to standardise planning across its Australian Varian fleet and streamline the required workload when upgrades come up. A positive result would also allow the company to use this beam model in other markets where the company operates.
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