(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: Stars at Night Ballroom 4
Surface imaging for treatment verification – Laura Cerviño
Surface image-guided radiotherapy (SIGRT) makes use of surface imaging (SI), a non-ionizing radiation imaging technique, for patient setup and position monitoring during treatment. Its prevalence in the clinic has expanded in recent years, as better hardware has become available, and new uses of surface imaging are developed for positioning, motion monitoring, and patient safety. This session will review the current state of the art in SI clinical use and relevant TG reports. It will conclude with a review of some future potential applications of SI, including its use for improving safety and quality of radiotherapy.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the advantages and challenges of surface imaging for treatment verification in radiation therapy.
2. Summarize the main clinical uses of SIGRT.
3. Describe some of the emerging uses for SI.
On-board CBCT for treatment verification – Jing Wang
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been widely used for the guidance of radiation therapy. By acquiring CBCT right before or during the beam delivery, accurate patient setup can be achieved, and treatment target position can be verified. Furthermore, as CBCT provides patients’ updated anatomy at the treatment position and has capability for dose calculation, it can be used to reconstruct the actual dose delivered to patients. This provides critically needed information for adaptive radiation therapy. This presentation will summarize recent developments (particularly machine-learning based approaches) on image quality enhancement of CBCT, including noise reduction, scatter correction and motion artifacts suppression. Advanced applications of CBCT for dose calculation and adaptive radiation therapy will also be discussed.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the advantages and challenges of CBCT for treatment verification in radiation therapy.
2. Summarize recent advancements on image quality enhancement of CBCT.
3. Describe applications of CBCT for treatment verification.
On-board MRI for treatment verification – Olga Green
MR imaging’s exquisite soft tissue contrast makes it an enticing option for on-board treatment verification imaging. The first commercially available MR-guided treatment machines have reached routine use in a small number of clinics, and the number of clinics with such machines is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. As a new technology, the optimal use of on-board MRI is an area of research and development. This session will review the current clinical uses of on-board MRI, highlighting its advantages and limitations. Ongoing research and future directions for the continued development of MRI-based treatment verification will also be summarized.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the advantages and challenges of MRI for treatment verification in radiation therapy.
2. Summarize the current clinical uses of on-board MRI.
3. Describe ongoing research and unresolved challenges in on-board MR-based treatment verification imaging.
Comparison of treatment verification imaging modalities – John Lewis
The advancement of treatment verification imaging technologies in recent years has provided clinicians with an array of options for image-guided radiotherapy treatments. This closing presentation will compare the advantages and limitations of the imaging modalities described in this session, and discuss how these differences relate to imaging modality selection based on anatomical site and treatment method
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the advantages and limitations of each treatment verification imaging modality.
2. Describe the selection of treatment verification imaging modalities based on anatomical site and treatment method.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Research funding from Varian Medical Systems, inc.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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