(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 225BCD
This symposium is part of the ongoing annual series on grant funding and grantsmanship organized by the AAPM Workgroup on Research Funding. Similar to every year, we will discuss new and existing opportunities within the NIH. In addition, this year’s symposium will be focused on Academic-Industrial Partnership (AIP) grants.
It is well recognized that in our field, large-scale translation of scientific and technological developments to the clinic require close partnership between academic institutions and industrial partners. While the SBIR mechanism, limited to small businesses, AIPs present an opportunity to partner with small as well as larger industrial partners. Over the years, the AIP program initiated within the NIH has been a great success story in terms of its impact on our field.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn about new funding opportunities in imaging and therapy, with a focus on AIP, from various institutes within the NIH
2. Gain an understanding on how the focus of the AIP is different from traditional research grants and the track record of this grant mechanism in translational collaborations between academia and industry
3. Learn from the experiences of successful grantees from the academic and from the industrial sides.
4. Have a chance to participate and interact with the speakers in a moderated panel discussion.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Kevin Brown is employed by Elekta Inc.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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