(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: Very few methods have been suggested to monitor the delivery of the high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy and none of the methods are used in the clinic to determine the source positions in the patient body. This study suggests a method to determine the source positions while treatments and tested the method using a phantom study.
Methods: A localization jig with four radio-opaque fiducial markers in a plate is located on the treatment table and the a-Si flat panel image detector is placed under the table. HDR applicators are located over the jig to simulate the patient treatments. Source positions are calculated from the fiducial-marker shadows of the HDR source.
Results: Fiducial markers are well visible in the HDR source-generated images so that the coordinates of the markers easily obtained. Calculated source positions using the method developed in this study and the real positions determined from the X-ray image of the HDR source match within 1 mm. Source positional errors intentionally induced were detected down to 1 mm.
Conclusion: Actual source positions in the phantom can be monitored real-time during the treatment by determining source positions using the method suggested in this study. This suggests that the real-time monitoring of the source positions in the body may be feasible by comparing the determined positions to the expected as generated from the radiation treatment plan.
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