(Thursday, 7/18/2019) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: 301
Purpose: Non-invasive Cardiac radio-ablation is an upcoming and useful method to treat ventricular tachycardia. However, quality assurance testing of such treatments faces two limitations; first, there are no commercial phantoms that can accurately simulate both cardiac and pulmonary motions. Second, phantoms that imitate cardiac movement cannot generate their own cardiac signal to engage prospective cardiac gating for proper quality assurance. Our phantom seeks to simulate complex abdominal movement and generate the EKG signal that can be used trigger the imaging systems. 
Methods: A dual frequency-oscillating platform capable of simulating independent three-dimensional axis motion was developed. The high-frequency platform can move in perpendicular directions up to 120 fpm for the upper platform and up to 25 fpm for the lower platform. The movement of the motion phantom pushes a button which triggers the EKG generator, which is controlled by an Arduino Mega, to produce EKG pulse which can be used to trigger imaging and/or delivery systems. The signal is generated through a set of digital values converted to analog to replicate an ideal sinus rhythm at any rate.
Results: This in-house designed motion phantom is capable of simulating cardiac and pulmonary motion and prospective pulmonary gating. It was tested with prospective pulmonary and retrospective cardiac gating in a Siemens 4D CT Scanner. Prospective cardiac gating is underway but requires more testing. It is also being used for dosimetric evaluation of the Heart SBRT treatments.
Conclusion: The in-house built motion phantom can be built for small-scale operation. It can be used to QA test the prospective cardiac correlated 4D CT scanners along with end to end testing of cardiac SBRT planning and delivery.
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