(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 302
The symbiotic relationship between vendor and clinical/research physicist is critical in moving technology forward in our field. Driving forces in the clinical/academic world are becoming increasingly aligned with the corporate/vendor world as hospital and university systems are trending towards consolidation. Knowledge of factors important to the vendor/corporate world will also assist physicists in driving change in their own organizations. It is important therefore to focus on understanding each other’s motives and restrictions, to enable us to understand how to work well together.
The purpose of this session is to review methods of operations of larger vendor organizations and share knowledge on how to work with these organizations. Legal and compliance issues are of key importance and will be discussed, but also some insight on how decisions are made will be shared. Additionally, execution tools and timelines will be discussed. The thorough review will allow future interactions, whether it be grant applications, customer feedback, new feature requests, etc. to be created with an understanding of the ‘downstream’ process so that we can ensure that we are all collaborating in the most effective manner.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand methods of operations of vendor organizations and share knowledge on how to work with these organizations.
2. Highlight legal and compliance issues related to vendor/physicist interactions.
3. Understand how vendor organizations come to decisions related to vendor/physicist interactions.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Employee: Canon Medical Systems, USA
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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