(Wednesday, 7/17/2019) 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 304ABC
Purpose: X-ray-induced luminescence computed tomography (XLCT) is an emerging molecular imaging. Challenges are still remaining for practical in vivo applications when short scan time, good spatial resolution, and whole-body field of view (FOV) are considered simultaneously. Here, we present a novel XLCT technique capable of obtaining volumetric images in a single snapshot to tackle these challenges.
Methods: In this study, a novel two-planar-mirrors component was integrated into a cone beam X-ray luminescence computed tomography imaging system to obtain multiple optical views of an object simultaneously, which significantly speeds up XLCT data acquisition. Moreover, a compressive sensing based three-dimensional (3D) XLCT image reconstruction algorithm was developed to improve the spatial resolution.
Results: Numerical simulations and experiments were conducted to validate our proposed single snapshot X-ray-induced luminescence computed tomography (SS-XLCT). The results show that the 3D distribution of the nanophosphor targets can be visualized at a speed of 20 times faster than conventional XLCT imaging while maintaining comparable spatial resolution as in conventional XLCT imaging.
Conclusion: A high-speed X-ray-induced luminescence computed tomography technique, namely, SS-XLCT, has been proposed and implemented to leverage the practical abilities of XLCT for in vivo molecular imaging. The results show that real-time XLCT can be achievable for in vivo small animal whole-body molecular imaging.
Tomography, Optical Tomography, X Rays
IM- Optical : Development (new technology and techniques)
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