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Ticket #1 Ben & Jerry's Tour

Ben & Jerry's

Waterbury, VT

Ticket: $14

Tickets are not refundable. Ticket covers both transportation and admission to the 3:00pm tour.

Discover how the famous ice cream is made, sample the flavor of the day and visit the gift shop!

  • 1:30pm - Bus departs from University of Vermont, outside Simpson Dining Hall
  • Explore the gift shop and grounds
  • 2:45pm - report to ticket desk for the 3:00pm tour
  • 3:00pm - 30-minute tour
  • 3:45pm - Bus returns to University of Vermont

Ticket #2 Niquette Bay State Park

Niquette Bay State Park

Colchester, VT

Ticket: $8

Tickets are not refundable. Ticket is for transportation only, and does not cover park fees.

The park’s trails offer impressive vistas overlooking Malletts Bay to the south, the Green Mountains to the east, and the Lake Champlain Islands to the west. There are several loops which offer a variety of hiking combinations. The shortest distance to the lake is 0.5 miles via the Allen Trail on foot. Hiking map

  • 1:30pm - Bus departs from University of Vermont, outside Simpson Dining Hall
  • 4:30pm - Bus returns to University of Vermont

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