Moderator 1: Paul Keall, University of Sydney
Moderator 2: Grace Tang, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
| Tuesday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | TU-B-TRACK 3-0 : Real Time Imaging and Tracking for SBRT P.Poulsen*, P.Keall*, G.Tang* |
| | 11:30 AM TU-B-TRACK 3-1 | Democratizing real-time image guidance and verification: Approaches implemented on conventional linacs P.Poulsen* |
| | 11:50 AM TU-B-TRACK 3-2 | Real-time adaptation – Rationale, system overview and clinical experience P.Keall* |
| | 12:10 PM TU-B-TRACK 3-3 | Clinical approaches, experiences and lessons learned from a large SBRT program G.Tang* |