(Tuesday, 7/14/2020) 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: Track 3
Stereotactic body radiation therapy or SBRT (commonly referred to as Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy or SAbR) is growing in terms of the number of institutions performing SBRT, the number of patients treated, the number of cancer sites SBRT is indicated for, and most importantly the clinical outcomes (Pan Cancer 2011; King Rad Onc and IJROBP 2013; Ball Lancet Oncol 2019). SBRT is more convenient for patients, uses fewer resources, and therefore is economically attractive, particularly with the transition of US healthcare to the Alternative Payment Model. However, the staff, technological, and quality assurances requirements are higher for SBRT than for conventionally fractionated radiation therapy. One of the ongoing clinical challenges of SBRT is organ motion, which has been described in prior AAPM reports (Task Groups 76 and 101). Organ motion affects the imaging, planning and delivery phases of SBRT. In this symposium the status, rationale, clinical benefits and future of real-time imaging, intrafraction verification, and tracking for SBRT to manage organ motion will be described. Clinically viable solutions to manage organ motion with today’s technology will be provided, with insight to the tools and medical physics skills needed for tomorrow’s SBRT treatments.
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the clinical drivers for real-time imaging, intrafraction verification, and tracking for SBRT.
2. To learn the current methods implemented and future directions for real-time imaging, intrafraction verification, and tracking for SBRT.
3. To appreciate the quality assurance considerations for real-time imaging, intrafraction verification, and tracking for SBRT.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: PK has a number of licensed and unlicensed patents and commercial agreements and interests that may relate to this presentation. An up-to-date description of these conflicts are publicly available at https://image-x.sydney.edu.au/home/disclosures/ and will be disclosed in the presentation.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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