Moderator 1: Song Gao, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Moderator 2: Peter Balter, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
| Monday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM | MO-E-TRACK 5-0 : The Water Tankless Annual and Two-Hour Monthly QA, Ways to Improve Your Life with Detector Arrays Without Sacrificing Quality P.Balter*, S.Gao*, S.Stathakis* |
| | 3:30 PM MO-E-TRACK 5-1 | Linac QA with detector arrays – Is the water tank dead? P.Balter* |
| | 3:50 PM MO-E-TRACK 5-2 | Beam steering and monitoring photon and electron beam energies with ion chamber with detector array S.Gao* |
| | 4:10 PM MO-E-TRACK 5-3 | Your detector array has just arrived S.Stathakis* |