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DIBH@HOME Patient Practice App: A MedPhys3.0 Proof of Concept in IOS

J Belardo*, N Sperling, University of Toledo Medical Center, Sylvania, OH


(Tuesday, 7/14/2020) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room: Track 3

The deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) technique is a respiratory motion management strategy recommended if patient respiration affects tumor position. DIBH can improve precision and accuracy of treatment delivery and reduce cardiac dose. Patients have been shown to have reduced cardiac dose and better DIBH treatments with home practice. DIBH@HOME is proof of concept for an iOS mobile application that teaches patients to practice DIBH at home.

The DIBH@Home app was developed in Xcode using Swift5 and features an intuitive interface, a clean visual display, and simple DIBH instructions. The app uses Apple iPhone’s built-in gyroscope to determine device pitch in real time. When using DIBH@HOME, the patient will lay flat with a phone placed on their stomach. The patient will inhale fully and press the green START button. Device pitch data is collected and displayed every 0.1 seconds. After thirty seconds a graph of phone motion data is evaluated. The patient’s score is the time the device pitch is within DIBH thresholds. Higher scores are earned for consistency and stability of the breath hold over the thirty second interval.

DIBH@HOME can be used by patients to monitor DIBH and respiratory motion. The app will be compared to Varian RPM using respiratory motion phantoms. Sinusoid waveforms representing various breathing patterns will be collected using Varian RPM and the DIBH@HOME app. Data analysis will be conducted to compare motion tracking accuracy between the two systems.

DIBH@HOME is a MedPhys3.0 project that applies medical physics to improve patient care. Patient understanding of DIBH may help facilitate better treatments, improve delivery of radiation therapy and reduce cardiac dose.


Gating, Respiration, DIBH


TH- External Beam- Photons: Motion management - interfraction

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