(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: As technology changes, the ability of physicists in radiation oncology to take more accurate and precise measurements increases. One key technology being the manufacturing of diode detectors that offer higher sensitivities and have uniquely manufactured sensitive volumes. Utilizing these advancements, the recently released microSilicon X (60022) from PTW claims to offer more exceptional qualities than its predecessor, the Diode P (60016). It is the purpose of this study to characterize the micoSilicon X diode detector and compare it to similar detectors.
Methods: The microSilicon X diode, microDiamond Diode, and Semiflex 3D detectors were all used in this study and compared against each other. The dose linearity was reviewed for 0.01 to 8.55 Gy, and output ratios were generated for field sizes 1 x 1 cm² to 40 x 40 cm². Percentage depth dose curves were taken and referenced with values obtained from a Roos chamber, and the effective point of measurement was established. Profiles were taken for each chamber for the field sizes 2 x 2 cm² to 20 x 20 cm².
Results: No significant differences were found for output ratios between the microSilicon X detector and the microDiamond even at a 1 x1 cm2 field size. MicroSiliconX had a dose linearity with a R2 value of 1. Percent depth dose curves and profiles were in agreement between the microDiamond to the microSilicon X.
Conclusion: The microSilicon X has shown to be a reliable detector for relative photon beam measurements and comparable to a microdiamond detector for a range of fields from small (1x1cm²) to large (20x20cm²).
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Partially supported by PTW NA.
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