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  • To give attendees ideas for methods that they might not otherwise have thought of on how to improve their teaching/mentoring of medical physics.
  • To give attendees an opportunity to design an action plan to be implemented at their home institutions for improving the teaching/mentoring of medical physics.

Course Director

Victor Montemayor, Germantown Academy, Fort Washington, PA

Invited Speakers

George Starkschall, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Laurie Cutting, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Special Education, Psychology, Radiology, and Pediatrics Peabody College, Vanderbilt University Senior Scientist, Haskins Laboratories (Yale) Member, Vanderbilt Brain Institute and the Center for Cognitive and Integrative Neuroscience

Kyla Terhune, Associate Professor of Surgery Residency Program Director, Surgery Vice-Chair for Education, Section of Surgical Sciences Vanderbilt University Medical Center; and Section Chief, General Surgery VA Medical Center

Jay Burmeister, Wayne State University Karmanos Cancer Center

Rebecca Howell, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Stephen Kry, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Matt Studenski, University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Program Outline

AAPM Workshop on
Improving the Teaching and Mentoring of Medical Physics
Bredesen Room, Hilton Nashville Hotel
Thursday 26 July 2018
1:15 – 1:30 pm Opening Remarks:
Introduction to the
Workshop and the Action
Vic Montemayor
Germantown Academy
Chair, Committee on Medical Physicists as
Educators (MPESC)
1:30 – 2:20 pm Keynote: The History of
Teaching Reform in the
George Starkschall
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
2:20 – 2:50 pm Breakout Session: Why are you at this workshop, and what do you hope to get out of it? What changes in teaching/mentoring would you like to see in your department or clinic? Do you see any obstacles to these changes taking place?
2:50 – 3:15 pm BREAK (Meet your fellow workshop participants!)
3:15 – 4:05 pm What Neuroscience
Research Has to Tell Us
About the Effects of
Learning on the Brain
Laurie Cutting
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Special
Education, Psychology, Radiology, and Pediatrics
Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
Senior Scientist, Haskins Laboratories (Yale)
Member, Vanderbilt Brain Institute and the Center
for Cognitive and Integrative Neuroscience
4:05 – 4:55 pm Graduate Medical Education
in Medical and Surgical Residencies:
What Can be Learned?
Kyla Terhune
Associate Professor of Surgery
Residency Program Director, Surgery
Vice-Chair for Education, Section of Surgical
Vanderbilt University Medical Center; and
Section Chief, General Surgery
VA Medical Center
4:55 – 5:30 pm Brainstorming Session: What is your reaction to what you learned about
neuroscience research? What are your initial reactions to Practice-based Learning
(PBL)? (We’ll be working more with PBL in tomorrow’s sessions.)
7:00 pm Dinner on your own.
Friday 27 July 2018
8:15 – 8:30 am Introduction to Day 2: Seating and
the Action Plan
Vic Montemayor
Germantown Academy
Chair, MPESC
8:30 – 9:20 am Keynote: The Importance of Reform
in Medical Physics Teaching
Jay Burmeister
Wayne State University
Karmanos Cancer Center
9:20 – 9:50 am Breakout Session: Discuss your preliminary thoughts about an action plan with your group partners. Critique each other’s plans.
9:50 – 10:15 am BREAK (Change Seats to Your Assigned Tables)
10:15 – 11:05 am Best Practices: Project-based
Learning (PBL) in Medical Physics
Rebecca Howell
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
11:05 – 12:05 pm PBL Challenge: Work with your group partners to design a clinical PBL exercise.
MedicalResidency : Design a 1-class PBL challenge.
MP residency and didactic teaching : Design a 1-class PBL challenge.
What skills would be addressed by your PBL exercise? Would all of these skills be
typically encountered within your classroom/residency? Do you think that PBL
could be a good way to approach the teaching in your clinic? Could it feasibly be
incorporated into your clinical residency program? If so, how? If not, why not?
12:05 – 12:30 pm Group Reports: PBL Exercises and
feasibility conclusions
Moderator: Loretta Johnson
University of Alabama-Birmingham
12:30 – 1:45 pm Lunch (Discuss your action plans.)
1:45 – 2:35 pm Best Practices: Flipped Learning in
the Medical Physics Classroom
Stephen Kry
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
2:35 – 3:05 pm Incorporating Videos into the Teaching
of Medical Physics: The Question of
the ROMPES Modules
Matt Studenski
University of Miami
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
3:05 – 3:35 pm Brainstorming Session: Discuss your thoughts and ideas about flipped learning,
and provide feedback concerning the ROMPES modules.
3:35 – 4:05 pm BREAK (Think About and Discuss your Action Plans.)
4:05 – 4:55 pm Panel Discussion: Issues and Obstacles in Implementing Reform
Joann Prisciandaro, University of Michigan (medical therapy residency and RTT)
Rao Khan, Washington University (medical physics therapy residency)
Isaac Rutel, University of Oklahoma (medical diagnostic residency and medical physics didactic)
Jay Burmeister, Wayne State University (medical physics didactic)
Kenneth Homann, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (medical physics residency)
4:55 – 5:35 pm Breakout Session: The Issues and Obstacles of Reform
If you have already attempted reform, what obstacles did you encounter? Did you
overcome them? If you have not already attempted reform, what obstacles do you
anticipate, and how will you approach them?
5:35 – 6:15 pm Group Reports: Obstacles and How to
Overcome Them
Moderator: Matt Deeley
University of Vermont
6:15 – 6:30 pm Action Plans and Closing Remarks Vic Montemayor
Germantown Academy
Chair, MPESC