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AAPM will host educational courses on the AAPM website in the Virtual Library. Presentations posted in the AAPM Virtual Library will include streaming audio of the Teaching Workshop and slides of the presentations. This content will be posted in the AAPM Virtual Library following the meeting.

Access to the AAPM Virtual Library is a service provided to AAPM members. Click here to access the Virtual Library.

AAPM members may earn continuing education credits for selected presentations posted in the Virtual Library by subscribing to the AAPM Online Learning Center program. Click here for details on registering for the AAPM Online Learning Center program.

Selected presentations given during the Teaching Workshop will be available on USB Flash Drive following the meeting.

  • USB Flash Drives Post Meeting
    For those times you can’t access the online AAPM Virtual Library, view the content on USB Sticks.
    • USB Flash Drives are:
      • PC & Mac compatible only.
      • Orders will be shipped 6 weeks following the meeting
  • Meeting USB Flash Drive Orders ($100 inclusive of shipping fees):